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matt tied a pastel yellow apron around himself, watching while tord awkwardly stood next to the kitchen counter.

"don't look so worried, it's just me." matt gave him a reassuring smile.

tord shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. he jumped in surprise as matt gave him a friendly pat on the cheek and said, "now let's get cooking!"


by the time they were done, it was getting to be around 6 o'clock.

they'd finished decorating the cupcakes. lavender icing was neatly spread over each one, small red star- shaped sprinkles on top.

matt had frosting smeared along his cheek, his apron stained with the ingredients they used. tord, on the other hand, was way cleaner, barely a spot on him. god knows how.

"ready to taste them?" matt grinned widely at tord. he nodded in response.

the ginger teen picked one up and peeled the paper off from the bottom, taking a large bite. tord grabbed one of the cupcakes he hadn't decorated specifically for himself, nibbling on the top.

"they're good." tord quietly commented, taking a slightly larger bite.

a dollop of frosting sat on the tip of matt's nose, who in return, was oblivious. "i know, right!?"

tord quickly turned away to throw the wrapper in the trash, partly hiding his smile at matt's cute expression. he turned to look at matt again, who was now wiping off all the frosting on his face after finishing his treat.

"can i go home?" tord asked, fiddling with one of his hoodie strings.

"no," matt threw off his apron and grabbed tord's hand. "there's one more thing to do."

before tord could protest, matt dragged him off towards the back door, sliding it open singlehandedly. he walked out and went to the side of the house, releasing tord's and and climbing on top of the dumpster.

"what?" tord widened his eyes; matt pulled himself onto the roof, standing precariously on the edge.

"c'mon! we have to watch the sunset!"


"it's beautiful from up here! pleeeaase? for me?"

a small sigh of defeat escaped tord's slightly parted lips. "okay." he pulled himself onto the roof with matt's help and followed matt while he climbed to the top and sat down.

tord sat next to him, gazing at the view in front of them. the fiery orange sun dipped below the roof of the houses, the sky painted an array of dark orange, yellow, and red. a cool breeze blew over them, causing matt to press closer to tord.

"isn't it pretty?" matt murmured. he rested his head on tord's shoulder.

"y- yes, um, yeah." tord stammered, distracted by the gesture matt made. his cheeks burned with a red tint. "hey, matt?"


"when did you..." tord cleared his throat. "when did you know you were gay?"

matt giggled, pulling his head off tord's shoulder. "why? are you~?" he teased.

"n- no!" tord shook his head, hiding his face in his hands.

"mhm... well, it's pretty simple, actually. since i've been at so many schools, i expected to be liking a lot of different girls, but it turns out, no. i've liked a lot of guys." matt swung his legs and smiled bashfully as he added, "there's just one i've liked the most, though."

tord felt a sting of jealousy, nodding quietly. why am i jealous? it's not like i even care. "oh."

matt looked like he wanted to say something else, but for once, he was quiet.

the sun disappeared over the roofs, blanketing the city in darkness. the moon shined proudly overhead. tord climbed off the roof again, landing on the grass and brushing himself off. matt landed beside him, an unrecognizable look in his eyes.

"i should get going." tord stated.

"yeah," matt gave him a small smile. "i'll see you tomorrow, then." he pulled tord into a tight hug before running off to the doors again.

tord bit his lip to hide a smile. he shook his head and started the walk to his house.

me and you {tordmatt}Where stories live. Discover now