10 years later..

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a cold gust of wind ruffled tord's hair as he walked down the busy city sidewalk. he hunched his shoulders, the top flaps of his overcoat whipping quickly back and forth.

he sighed in exhaustion as he burrowed his nose further into the red scarf wrapped comfortably around his neck. he was only 25 but knew he wasn't satisfied with his life. after matt left, it felt like a part of him was missing. he missed the ginger's joyful presence. god. it'd been so long.

tord turned a corner and spotted his apartment building in the far distance, walking faster. he kept his eyes fixed to the ground, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

that was when he bumped into a tall figure, stumbling pack and looking up.

"oh, i'm sorry," the man said with a soft smile.

tord's eyes opened wider than plates. it couldn't- how-? it was matt. he felt his nails dig into his palms, marking them with small purple crescents. was this even possible?

"are you okay?" matt asked in worry.

wait a minute.

something wasn't right.

"m- matt?" tord stuttered out.

"..yes, that's me. how do you know my name?" matt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, sea-green eyes flashing in alarm.

in that exact moment, tord realized: he doesn't remember. it was as if someone had plunged a knife straight through tord's heart and twisted it around, watching as he writhed miserably on the floor.

tord continued to stare for a few heartbeats, taking in the sight of matt. god, he looked even more gorgeous than in high school. a perfectly shaped jawline, cute freckles, soft-looking hair, bright eyes- an angel, basically.

"i- i'm sorry." tord murmured, pushing past matt and continuing on his way to his apartment. his heart pounded heavily. each step he took away from matt caused more pain. but he couldn't do this- he just couldn't. why? he had no idea.

matt watched the shorter male leave, arms crossed in a confused manner. he observed tord climb up the steps to the building, the norwegian turning his head and locking eyes with matt before entering and disappearing through the doors.

something about tord's heartbroken green gaze told matt something.


wow. shitty chapter. i'm sorry! its also been a while, yikes,, uh so yeah, this is the official last chapter. hope you enjoyed💞👌🏻

feel free to recommend ships for future fanfics!

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