Dreaming and crying

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Tom's P.O.V

"Bill,I'm sorry I just woke you up, but it's really important!"

"No it's fine, what's going on?" He replied trying to open his eyes again.

"Bill, sie weint und redet im Schlaf!" I said in german so nobody could understand and they would not worried and it was easier for my little brother to speak german just after his sleep. (Bill she's crying in her sleep and talking!")

"Was sagt sie?" He said after taking his seat belt off and coming near us. (What is she saying?)

"Ich wiess nicht, es ist französisch!" I replied after listening to what she was saying over and over again. (I don't know, it's french)

It sounded something like "Ils....m'ont...promis...j'allais...oui j'allais partir...partir d'un enfer...mais je ne...part plus....tu...es...mon....seul...espoir...ne me...laisse...pas...seule..." It sounded like she repeated some words and then reaped over and over again this sentence.

Sorry Aurélie, I'm really bad in french all I can say is "Je mets mon pénis dans ta chatte" and at the moment was not usefull to say this, (umm I don't think you want to know what it means in french).

"Aurélie it's me, I'm here for you. Don't cry sweet angel." Bill said as he took her thin hands, he was caring so much about her, I never seen him like this, over protective. I always say he's selfish but man, this is not selfish not at all! My young brother cares so much about Aurélie.

"Je ne veux plus...je ne veux...plus croire....tout est finit!" She said after a short silence, tears fell down a long her cheeks again, I wiped them gently with my index.

"Shhh sweet princess, everything will be ok." Bill said gently caress her hand.

When I think back to this and using the internet to see what she was on about and to see what Bill was saying matched with what she was crying about, it makes me laugh but I'm sad too. I knew why Bill was doing this, he didn't know french either apart from "Je t'aime." (I love you). He done this because this is what a guy would say to a girl when she is sad, well I guess, I'm not good at saying nice stuff when someone is upset. I was upset that I could not say something nice to her when she was sad, I didn't know what to do or what to say either.

Bill P.O.V

I heard my name in my sleep, what now? I'm sleeping! You know, when humans are tired they sleep and I'm tired and because I am a human I need to sleep. Wait! I reconized this voice! No way, it can't be my big brother?! Yeah it's him. It must be important! Wait! It must be yeah, Aurélie is sleeping on him, oh my gosh did she just wake up? Is something wrong with her? Ohh I guess I have to wake up to find out, why is my life so difficult?! I groaned a bit and tried to open my eyes.

"Bill I'm sorry I just wake you up, but it's really important!" He said worried.

"No it's fine, what's going on?" I replied trying to open my eyes, it was hard. Inside I was a bit nervous, what was so important he needed to wake me up.

"Bill, sie weint und redet im Schlaf!" He said in german so nobody could understand and they would not worried and it was easier for me to speak german just after my sleep, he knew me well, what a nice brother I have. (Bill she's crying in her sleep and talking!")

"Was sagt sie?" (What is she saying?). I said after taking my seat belt off and coming near them to hear what she was saying and what was all this on about.

"Ich wiess nicht, es ist französisch!"(I don't know, it's french) He replied after listening to what she was saying over and over again.

Oh gosh, yeah I've forgot she's french, poor child living in another country it must be hard. I can't imagine myself going to another country when I was ten and lived there till I will be eighteen nearly nineteen. I had to do something, but what? I don't speak french and Tom doesn't either well he does a bit but what he knew was not going to help us. I was thinking hard to find a solution to this problem, what could I do? I thought back about what happened in her past since she knows us and became a fan. Poor child not a lot of good things happened to her, depression, break downs, crying, sadness, home sick, feeling glum and miss her grandma, she is very important to her it's like another mother.

"Aurélie it's me, I'm here for you. Don't cry sweet angel." I said as I took her thin hands. I said this because I thought of what a man would say to a girl when she was upset or crying, this was the only thing I could think of saying at first.

"tout est finit!" That was all I could remember from what she was saying, she was speaking so weakly and quietly. She said this after a short silence, tears fell down a long her cheeks again, Tomped them gently with his index, he probably will hate me later because he loved Aurélie so much and I knew, as I am his twin, he would have love to care about her, but I had to do something because he didn't know what to do.

"Shhh sweet princess, everything will be ok." I said gently and I stroked her hand kindly.

She didn't say anything else after this, she slept and slept for a very long time. I slept too. When I could see she wasn't saying anything after what I said I smiled at Tom and went back on my seat to sleep again. It was a bit hard for me to speak english just after I woke up, my mind only works in german just after I wake up, and apparently for her when she sleeps her mind works in french. I can so understand her, I think if I speak in my sleep it will be the same, how can my brain works in english in my sleep when I only dream in german. I guess she dreams in french too.

Lyd's P.O.V

I didn't know what was going on as Bill was speaking German to Tom. All I knew was Aurélie felt very bad. I wanted to asked Tom what was going on but I was too afraid to speak to him, it was very embarrassing to speak to a normal older guy but when it's your best friend's crush who is on the same mini bus as you and your friend she sleeping on his knees. I mean I can't speak French very well, my Spanish is awful and German don't you dare speak about it to me, all I know is "Danke" which means thanks. Bill went back to his seat and fall fast to sleep, he's like her crush or her best brother, I don't really know she never explain to me very well or maybe it was me who wasn't listening to her properly. Tom she likes him but she dislike him and she hates him but she loves him too. I never got her. I was always like: OMG! HURRY UP AND CHOOSE NOW LADY! LIKE OR DISLIKE?

I looked at Elizabeth and she gave me a weird look.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I looked at Lyd she didn't understand want was going on and I wanted to know what was wrong with Aurélie, she is our best friend we deserved the right to know about it. I whispered in Lyd's ear:

"Ask him what happened?"

"Are you sure I can ask him?" She asked, gosh that was a relief I thought she was going to say no and I had to ask him and all that stuff. I didn't want to do anything with him, he was not my ennemi but he wasn't my friend either.

"Well yeah it's not like he's going to bite you or anything like that. I mean you have the right to speak to him."

"Yeah true. "She said till whispering. "Umm should I say Tom or Mr. Trümper or Mr. Tom Kaulitz or Mr. Kaulitz or maybe Mr. Kaulitz- Trümper?" She said in a low voice but very fast. She was nervous to speak to him, I can understand it, he looks a bit scary, no offence to anyone who like it.

"Yeah, what?" He answered when he heard his name.

Lyd looked very awkward and shy.

"What...is...what is....wrong...with...Aurélie?" Lyd finally had say after a moment of awkward silence.

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