Don't let me go, never!

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Aurélie's P.O.V

"Aurélie can I speak to you, darling." Bill asked me looking a bit worried or nervous, I nodded. " In private please." He added.

I looked behind me; there was Georg, Gustav and their girlfriend. Tom was behind Bill looking at his Iphone.

"You too Tom, can you please go." Bill said saying in a very concerned voice.

"What? Um, ok, I wait in Georg's room." Tom said like he didn't really understand what was going on, to be honest me neither.

All of them five went out looking a bit scared. I was nervous and scared because I didn't know why Bill wanted to speak to me in private and looking so serious, to me it was like I was gonna get told off about something I didn't know what I had done bad, everything was so nice, I thought I got on well with the Gs' girlfriend, Tom, the Gs and Bill, but apparently there was something wrong, but what was it?

Bill sat down on the sofa in the living room, he smiled at me and gave me a sign to come near him, I was a bit scared, I could not control myself to shake. I stood up in front of him and looking down on me. He tapped the sofa with his right hand to tell me to sit down next to him, I didn't listen to him, and I sat on the low table which was in front of him. He giggled a bit.

"Will you be alright tonight?" He asked me in a very serious tone voice.

"Why are you asking me that?" I asked, not answering his question.

"Will you cry tonight? I'm against leaving you; I wanted you to sleep in the same room as you so I could be there when you cry tonight." Bill said looking a bit worried.

"Ok, but I don't want to cry tonight." I answered, thinking my mum must have told him.

"Please darling, if there's anything that is worrying you or you're sad or anything that's wrong with you, please come and find me and I will help you." He said looking even more worried.

"Ok, I'll find you." I said looking at his eyes which were tired and worried.

"It can be at anytime, even if I'm having sex with a girl, I don't care, you have to come and find me." He joked and laughs a little.

"Doesn't matter if it's the smallest thing ever, like I didn't have ice cream for dessert at dinner, I don't care if it's as stupid as that, I would find ice cream for you even if I had to go to Tokyo to get it for you. Promise me, you will find me!"

"I promise. I'm fine!" I told me and looking straight into his eyes. "Bill, may I ask you something?" I asked shyly and felt my cheeks were warming up.

"Yes, what darling?" He said looking at me and smiling.

I didn't say anything; I put up for myself and got up from the table where I was sitting on. He looked at me get up. I smiled at him. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to open them again very quickly. I bit my lips because I was so worried he was going to care it in the wrong way. I took his right hand away from his knees and I sat on his lap, my head was against his chest, and his right hand was holding my hand.

"Please don't let me go; I want to be with you for a long time tonight." I said closing my eyes to not let myself cry in front of him.

"I will never let you go! Never! Hear me? Never!" He said kissing my head.

I stay in his arms for so long; I could not tell the time all I could say was I nearly went to sleep in his warms arms. He put his head on mine and he let me play with his hand, I was measuring his hand and mine by putting them together and see if he had long hands. It's not a big surprise if I say his hand was longer than mine, his fingers were about three centimetres longer than mine. His hand was soft and I could not help myself stop staring at his hand and nails, it's funny but Bill and I look at hands first when we meet someone and so I think it was not going to be too weird for him if I just started at his hand. But what I find weird was when he caressed my hand and put his index on my chin and is thumb underneath it to lift it up so he could see my eyes or I could see his face.

Don't leave me alone (A Tokio Hotel fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now