Chapter 54

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Authors note Smut in this chapter skip ahead if you don't like it

Tommy's POV

I feel happy as we have just planned a bit more for the wedding. I can't believe Addy agreed to have the wedding in the back yard as he hates his backyard.

As we finish the wedding plans Addy brings up the house plans that he found the other day and we go through them. He makes changes to the layout as I like it better where we have the private retreat on the top level away from everything else and he can have the recording studio near the bedroom as not many people will be using it and we can still be close to each other. After he finished we sat there and just looked it over before emailing the company back with the new plan.

As we have finished that Adam realises that he hasn't contacted anyone regarding the land so he emails them saying that he would like to purchase the land and can we sign the contracts when we get back as we are out of the country for another 2 months. As he sends the email off I start to get tired so I doze off to sleep with my head in his lap where he rested it as he sent the first email about the house plans. He looks down just before I close my eyes and he leans down and kisses my cheek. He runs his hand through my hair as he does whatever he needs to do. I relax a lot with what he is doing as it soothes me.

I wake up later on with my head still in Addy's lap and he is still running his hand through my hair. I must let out a noise as he looks down at me and says "hey baby did you sleep well". I nod my head and bury it further into his lap as he is comfortable and I want to feel closer to him. Adam looks at me and said "ok baby I have some news and we have the land as the agent contacted me and has organised for all the paperwork to be signed when we get back and the designer of the house liked the new plans and he is working out a price and will get back to me. I think we have done well today baby we have organised our wedding and our future house". I nod my head at him as I'm too comfortable to speak but after a while I need to go to the bathroom so I have to get up and go.

For some reason I woke up and was feeling really horny and I don't like to ask Adam to have to help me out as he has enough problems. So I go to the bathroom and try to fix my problem but nothing helps until there is a knock on the door and Adam says "baby are you ok in there"?

Adams POV

I feel like we have achieved a lot this morning with the wedding plans and the house. I feel very proud that we actually sat down and organised them a bit. As we have finished with the plans then I realize that I haven't contacted the agent about the land. I email the agent stating that we will buy the land but we can't sign for another 2 months as that is when we get back from being out of the country. I look at Tommy and see he is starting to get really tired as he is falling asleep against my shoulder; I put his head in my lap so he is more comfortable when he sleeps. I run my fingers through his hair while he is asleep to help him relax.

While he is asleep I just keep going through the wedding plans and trying to organise it more. I really have to find a caterer but I might get mum to organise that. The suits and the chairs and tables we can do when we get back. I text mum and ask her if she can find a caterer and organise the food as she knows what we like. Mum texts back and says that she has a friend that can do the catering really cheap for us. She has already spoken to her and she will do it for us. She just need the numbers on the guest list. I will see my glitter baby when he wakes up and we can organise that.

Tommy moves a bit on my lap and I look down and see he is waking up. I lean down and kiss him and say that "we have the land and we can sign for it when we go back home". I then say that "we have done quite well today as we have organised our future house and wedding plans". He nods his head; I think he is too comfortable to move.

He starts to move around on my lap and I look down at him and he says "I will be back I need to go to the bathroom". He gets up and makes his way to the bathroom. I start to get worried as he has been in the bathroom for like 15 minutes, so I get up and wonder into the bedroom to the bathroom where I just stand there for a bit and listen out to see if I can hear anything. Don't get me wrong I trust him and I know he won't cut but sometimes something might push him over the edge and he might just go back to cutting. I can't risk that and I can't lose my baby.

I stand there a bit longer and I start to walk away to give him some privacy but as I go to do that I hear him let out a moan then I hear him say my name, I knock on the door and say to him "glitter baby are you ok". The door opens and Tommy pulls me into the bathroom where he slams me against the wall and starts kissing up my neck. I let out a moan as he sucks a purple mark onto my neck.

As Tommy keeps kissing up my neck my hand wonders down to his crotch which I find is hard already. I then say to him "oh baby someone is needy aren't they". He nods his head while still kissing my neck. I go to take his jeans off but find they are already off his waist so I pull them down further so I have access to his entrance. I knead his bum for a little while and I have him moaning louder. He then whispers "please baby make love to me I really need you". I pull away from him and go to grab the lube that we have in the drawer in the bathroom and lube up my fingers. I insert one finger into him and find he is already stretched enough.


I lube up my member and turn him around and gently lay him over the counter. I slowly  enter him and wait until he tells me I can move. Once he gives me the go ahead I thrust up into him slowly and then slowly move out of him. I do that a few times and then Tommy tells me to move faster and harder which I do. After a while I can feel the familiar heat in my stomach and Tommy says "I can't hold it any longer" so I move my hand around to stroke his length.

He comes with a moan of my name and then I come moaning his name straight after.

End of Smut

We stay there sweaty and sated until I have the energy to move, I slowly pull out of him and say "baby that was great but are you ok". He nods his head and says "sorry I had a dream about you and it made me want you so I thought I would get rid of it myself as I know you are busy and I didn't want to disturb you".

As I clean us up I say to him "baby if that ever happens again please tell me as you are never disturbing me as anything that involves you is very important to me as I love you so much". I lean forward and give him a kiss and he says "I love you to baby very much".

When we are sitting back on the lounge I say to him "baby I don't like to bring this up but I need to know how many you are having at the wedding as we need to finalise the guest list for mum as she has a friend that will do the catering for us. So can you please tell me who you want to invite".

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