Chapter 80

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Adams POV

It has been a couple of days since Tommy got out of hospital and we have been taking it easy at home. I got all the locks changed before Tommy came home in case I have to leave him by himself again which won't be happening.

Tommy is curled up on the lounge just watching horror movies while I'm sitting next to him trying to write songs but nothing is coming to me at the moment so I put my notebook away and curl up next to my baby. I will not let him go I just want to keep him tucked into my side at all times.

Although I have noticed that since he came out of hospital he has never left my side. He just keeps cuddled into me when I am sitting on the lounge he just crawls into my lap and cuddles into me. Just as he does that I feel him shiver so I think it's time for a hot bath. I get off the lounge and lean down and carry him bridal style upstairs to the bathroom. I lower him down onto the toilet seat to get the bath organised. Once it has enough water I turn the spa jets on so he can relax. I walk over and take his t-shirt off and then his sweat pants and boxers. I help him into the tub and get myself organised to get in as well. I step in and settle in behind Tommy and pull him into my chest.

After we have washed and just relaxed in the tub we get out and I wrap my baby up in a fluffy towel and carry him to bed. I lie him down on the bed and help him dry himself. I settle him into the covers and crawl in next to him after I have turned off the television.

I woke up the next morning and Tommy wasn't beside me so I look all over for him and find him downstairs just sitting on the lounge staring at the wall where Sauli had me pinned against. I walk up and gently touch his arm so as not to startle him but it doesn't work out that way he jumps as I touch his arm. I pull him into my side and say "it's me baby sshh nothing is going to happen you are safe with me". He whimpers into my neck so I just rub my arm up and down his back. He crawls onto my lap and cuddles into my chest. I gently rub up and down his back until his sobs had quieted down. I lean down and kiss his lips when he has stopped crying enough. As I was about to pull back Tommy goes to deepen the kiss and swipes his tongue across my bottom lip. I grant him access which he takes immediately and our tongues battle each other. I let him win. I was about to pull away again but Tommy just started to grind against me. Before I knew what was happening he had my t-shirt off and I was just sitting in my boxers with an achingly hard length.


I pull Tommy's t-shirt off as well and lay him down on the lounge. I start to kiss up and down his neck and chest. When I come to suck on his nipples he bucks his hips and we both let out a moan as our clothed hards meet. His hands make their way down to my boxers and he pulls them off then he pulls his off after.

I reach down to palm him and then my finger starts to open him up. I work my fingers around his hole for a while as I really need to open him up as it's been about a month since we did anything. I'm just as eager as my baby. We both really need this.

I have finished opening him up and I make my way down so my length is lined up with his hole and I suck on my fingers as we don't have lube so we have to make do.

I slowly make my way into his tight hole so as not too hurt him too much. Once I am all the way in I stay still until Tommy tells me too move, then I slowly start to thrust in and out of him.

After a while I can't help it I have to start thrusting in and out of him faster and harder just the way he likes it.

Tommy is a moaning mess underneath me and I can tell he is nearing his release so I move faster and he moves his hips which makes me hit his bundle of nerves with each thrust. Not long after Tommy cums with a scream of my name and I follow as I feel him clench around me. I cum with a scream of his name deep inside of him. I collapse onto Tommy and kiss him until we are both even more breathless. I had to let him know that whatever happens I will always be by his side. I will never ever leave him for anything. I know he gets it with the way he is kissing me back.


Sometimes the only way to express what I want to say is either through kissing or making sweet love to him.

I pull out and jump up and carry Tommy up the stairs bridal style so we can have a nice relaxing bath together. I put him down gently just as I get to our bedroom door so I can organise our bath and he can get us fresh cloths.

As I was leaning over adjusting the bath I feel his arms slip around me and he is sucking on my sweet spot on my neck. I let out a deep moan and turn around in his arms. He kisses my lips and I tap his thigh telling him to jump up and I carry him over to the sink which may or may not have led to round 2.

After our bath we just snuggle on the bed just enjoying being in each other's arms especially after the past couple of weeks we have had.

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