Chapter 84

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Adams POV

My album was ready for release and the release date is set for tomorrow so Tommy and I go in and do last minute things that need to be done for it. Then we just head home and rest as it's been a full on week what with the album coming out trying to organise the benefit concert.

As I was doing stuff in the office my arm starts to give me trouble again but I can't stop working as I really need to get this done as it's for the benefit night and I really have more to organise for our honeymoon. I continue to work but it just starts to ache more then what it is so I have to stop what I am doing.

I wonder out to the lounge room looking for Tommy but I can't fine him and then I hear a noise in the kitchen. I wonder into the kitchen to see Tommy at the stove cooking dinner and then I notice that he has a roast in the oven. He must hear me come in as he looks over at me and smiles. He walks up to me and gently kisses my lips and says "hey sexy are you okay"? I nod my head yes but then I move my arm to put around Tommy I feel the pain shoot up my arm and I groan in pain. Tommy pulls away and says come on baby sit down and we will have dinner and you can take your pain killer. We pull apart and Tommy leads me over to the table that he had set up. I take a seat and Tommy heads back to the kitchen to get our dinner. Once Tommy brings dinner in we sit down and eat.

After dinner Tommy won't let me help clean up so I wonder into the lounge room to watch a movie. I was engrossed in the movie and didn't feel Tommy walk in and sit next to me. I look over at him once I feel a hand on my thigh. I lean over to gently kiss his lips and say "thank you baby for doing all that for me". He shrugs his shoulders and says "its ok baby I don't mind you work really hard every day and I don't mind doing the work around the house. It keeps me busy".

We just lay there for the rest of the night watching movies on Netflix. I start to get really tired and I say to Tommy "babe I'm going to bed sorry it's just that the pain killer has made me sleepy. Do you want to come up with me or are you going to watch TV"? Tommy thinks for a minute and says "I will be up shortly you go up and I will bring you a cup pf tea when I come up. We can have a cup of tea together okay". I nod my head and lean over to kiss his lips and get up and make my way upstairs.

Tommy's POV

I have noticed Adam has been really stressed the past week what with the album launch and we had to redo the whole thing again, his arm which he has been doing too much with is getting to him. I think he has been experiencing pain in it apart from what he got today but hasn't told me. I think of what I can do to make him relax and I come up with a plan. First I need Neil's help to so I pull my phone out after I have made sure Addy is upstairs and dial Neil's number.

We decide that I will take Addy out for a nice meal then we will go to the movies and end the night walking along the beach. Neil says that he will keep him occupied and then he will take him to the restaurant that he will book for me. I will meet him there and surprise Addy.

After we have organised it for Saturday night I make our tea and take them upstairs to the bedroom. As I walk into the bedroom I notice Addy is having a nightmare so I make my way over to the bed. Just as I reach the bed he screams my name so I put our tea down on the bedside table and gently shake him awake. He jumps up and looks around in fright and visibly relaxes as he sees me. I sit on the bed and pull him into my arms; I calm him down while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

I hand him his tea and say "baby what was your nightmare about as I heard you scream my name". He cuddles into me and says "I just dreamt that Sauli and your ex's mum had taken you away from me and I couldn't find you anywhere". He bursts into tears as he finishes what he said and I pull him into my arms and calm him down once again.

After he has calmed down and drank his tea I pulled him down gently so he was laying with his head in my lap and I gently stroked his hair telling him over and over again that "no one will ever take me from you, I love you baby boy and I can't wait until I can marry you and be called Tommy Lambert". He fell asleep in my arms not long after that.

The next day I tell Addy that Neil wants to spend the day with him tomorrow which at first he is upset about but eventually agrees to go when I tell him that I will be ok and will be busy myself.

The day that Neil and I planned the surprise for starts off early with Neil arriving at 9am. Adam is in the office finishing off some work which gives Neil and I time to talk about tonight, Neil booked a nice little restaurant outside of town right near the beach and that we will have to see the movie after, as he could only get a table for 2 at 6pm which is fine by me. Neil also says that he told them to have a bottle of champagne ready for when we sat down which is good.

Adam comes out of the office after that and says to Neil "you ready to go so I can come back to look after my baby". Neil says to him yes but he has booked a restaurant for 6pm so they could have dinner together which he groans about until I make up an excuse and say that I am busy all day with Connor and Troye, which he then agrees to the meal with Neil.

After they walk out I get myself dressed ready to go shopping for a few things for tonight. I decide that I will buy myself some more skinny jeans but tight ones and that I will get some rose petals to put on the bed for when we get home. I get home after I get everything that I need and get it organised after I have cleaned up the bedroom and put fresh sheets on the bed. I look at the time and realise that I still have ages to go so I go into the studio that Addy has in the house and pick up my guitar he bought me for my birthday and just strum the chords. I finish the song and realized that I had just played our song "stay". Its then that I realize that I want to stay with Adam even though I knew before it just hit me how much we would both hurt if we ever split. I always want more than ever to get better for Adam so he will never have to live in fear that I would do something stupid so I pull my phone out and call my psychologist and see if I can have a few extra sessions with him as I do really want to get better and this time I mean I do want to get better for Adam and for me. I get off the phone after I have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I look at the time when I got off the phone and realize that I need to start getting ready.

I go back upstairs to have a shower and think that I will put the candles in the bathroom so we can have a relaxing bubble bath when we get home. I do that then get ready for my shower.

When it's time for me to go I lock the house after I have made sure that I look ok and that the house is all set for when we get back. I hop in the car and start it and pull out of the driveway, I head to the restaurant and pull into the parking lot I look around but I can't find Neil's car so they mustn't be here yet. I park my car away from the entrance so Addy can't see it when they arrive; I hop out and go inside. I say to the waitress "reservation for Ratliff". She looks it up and says "follow me". She leads me to a table on the balcony overlooking the beach that has candles already lit in the centre.

I sit down and the waitress asks if I would like a menu but I say "not yet as I am awaiting my fiancée who will be here shortly.

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