Chapter 46

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Tommy's POV

I am startled awake as  I hear laughter so I look up and see Troye and Connor standing near the door. I turn away burying my face in Adams stomach. I hear Adam say "shut the fuck up guys come on he got scared give my baby a break". The laughter ceases after he says that and Troye says "sorry guys we didn't mean to, it's just cute how he got scared when Adam moved".

Adam looks up and says "what are you 2 doing here; I mean it's a surprise but we didn't expect you"? Troye looks at us and says "we were worried about Tommy as we didn't know what had happened so we jumped on a plane and came here to see what was happening as we hadn't heard anything". I look up out of Adams stomach and say "I'm ok guys you didn't need to come all the way here to see if I was ok. Thank you for caring it means a lot to me that I have people that care around me".

Adam helps me sit up and kisses my lips and says "baby you have a lot of people that care about you, that worry about you all the time. We all love you baby especially me if anything had of happened to you I wouldn't be standing here now I would be beside you in a grave that is how much I love and care about you my little kitty". I look up with tears in my eyes and see that my baby has them too, I know he loves me and he says it all the time but to hear that and see him with tear as I just break down, I can't help it as I feel the same way.

As I lean over to give him a kiss I remember that we have company so I pull away from him and look over towards the door to see our 2 friends with the biggest smiles on their faces. Connor walks over to me and says "I know we don't know each other that well but I care about what happens to you both the same as Tro does. Adam is one of Troyes friends so I consider you both good friends. As soon as Troye saw on Facebook what you posted then he saw the article on Twitter that you retweeted he rang Addy straight away and we didn't sleep at all so we decided that we would check out for ourselves if you were ok or not". He pulls me into his arms after what he said and we hugged until we heard 2 people clear their throats and Addy pulls me away from Con and says "hey you got your own fiancé to hug so don't hog mine, I need kitty cuddles".

We all laugh and Connor makes his way back over to Troye and in his arms. The next bed we heard groaning and then the man says "will you all shut up I am trying to sleep here". Adam turns to him and says "mate we are not yelling so I think you should just shut your mouth you sour old man just because you don't have many friends and no one to love don't ruin what we have".

I can see Addy starting to get fired up so I grab his hand and pull him into me and whisper in his ear "calm down baby there is no need to get antsy". Adam just nuzzles his face in my hair pressing kisses to my head.

We stay like that for a while until Addy pulls away from me and says "baby I will be back I just want to grab you some clean clothes and myself some as well". I look at him and say "ok please don't be long as I will miss you so much". Adam just kisses my lips and laughs as he walks over to Troye and Connor. He asks Troye if he can see him outside for a minute so they both walk out together.

I turn to Connor and say "looks like we have both been deserted". Maybe we should just run away and leave them". Adam pokes his head in the door and says "Ratliff I heard that and don't you dare". I laugh at him, blow him a kiss and wave to him. Connor laughs as well as Troye poked his head around as well and winked over to Connor and say "You ok baby". I see Connor nod and blow him a kiss.

Adams POV

When I tell Tommy that I was going to get us somethings from the hotel room it's not the only thing I am doing. When I walk past Troye I ask him if I can see him outside for a minute he nods his head and walks out with me. I was just about to ask him something when I hear Tommy say "looks like we have both been deserted maybe we should run away together". I poke my head in and say "Ratliff I heard that and don't you dare". He laughs and blows me a kiss just as Troye pokes his head around and says to Con "you ok baby".

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