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Worth the Wait: 5 | Get Togethers
| Laura Marano |

| A Couple Days Later (March 11th, 2021) |

"The boys just texted and they should both be here in about ten minutes." Raini says, helping me put the roses she got me in a vase. Raini, no doubt, is the sweetest soul I have ever met. She came over a half hour early with ingredients for pizza, which I had by the way, and a bouquet of red roses because she knows those are my favorite flowers. Like I said, sweetest soul.

"So they're texting and driving?" I ask her, a little disappointment in my voice.

"Calum said he was at a red light, and Ross told him to roll down his window so I'm assuming he's at a red light too." I mumble a they're lucky before placing the vase in the middle of my dining room table. I smile, satisfied with the way the red looks good with the dark wood table and chairs. "Your place is seriously gorgeous, Laura. Like I'm obsessed." I give her a smile.

"Thanks, my mom did most of it with my sister." I say, walking over to my phone that was on the kitchen counter by the sink. "Should we get started on making the piazza or should we wait for the boys?" I ask her. "I feel like they might be slightly disappointed if we start without them, though." I mumble.

"Definitely wait for them." Raini concludes. "Hey, do you have any drinks? Not wine or anything, but soda or something?" She asks.

"Um, I have sprite, different la croix, um I think I might have a few cokes, and I do have tea if you want tea." I tell her. "I know Ross will drink la croix and Calum will either have water or coke. I bet money on it." I say, pointing my finger at her.

"I'm not betting money because I know you're right." She laughs, playfully rolling her eyes at me. "Speaking of Ross, why weren't Calum and I invited to lunch last week?" I chuckle at her words and lean back against the counter.

"Well we didn't actually end up eating there because obviously, you saw the pictures." I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "But we ran into each other the day before at Ralphs and he asked if we could have lunch the next day." I tell her. 

"Did you guys just go home after that?" She asks me.

"We came back here." I tell her, shrugging my shoulders. A small smirk appeared on her face at my words. "No, nothing happened. We had Chinese food, watched a couple movies and then went into the hot tub. He did spend the night, though, but only because he had beer and I didn't want him driving."

"Damn, you two are getting cozy again." I shake my head.

"It was one day, Raini. It's not like it's been reoccurring for weeks on end."

"Come on, Laura. You hung out with Rydel on Tuesday out of the blue!" She exclaims. I roll my eyes at her and her stupidity for thinking this.

"What? Raini, no. When Ross was here Rocky FaceTimed him and Rydel and I made plans to talk about hanging out. She texted me the next morning and that's when we made the plans. It had nothing to do with Ross and I getting close all of a sudden. Because we're not getting closer than we've been in the last few years."

"You're getting pretty defensive about all this. Are you sure you don't like him?" She asks.

"Oh my gosh, Raini. Am I sixteen again? I do not like him, nor have I ever liked him. We literally just hung out and talked about whatever came up. It was not romantic, we did not kiss, we did not do anything classified as intimate." I say, slightly irritated. Is it so hard to believe that two people of the opposite gender can hang out as just friends?

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