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Worth the Wait: 13 | If That's What it Takes
| Laura Marano |

| Two Days Later (April 3rd, 2021) |

For this damn get together, I didn't bother getting dolled up. In fact, I'm the complete opposite of dolled up. I'm wearing black leggings, a random ass old Rolling Stones tour thing t-shirt from the 70's, my hair is pulled back into a messy low bun, I'm wearing absolutely no makeup, and I didn't even bother putting contacts in so I kept my glasses on. The most impressive thing about this outfit is that I'm not wearing my Uggs, I'm actually wearing Nike tennis shoes. I knock a couple times on Calum's front door, waiting for either Calum or Raini to answer. I balance the sauce in a bowl on one hand and my purse in the other, praying either of them answer within the next few seconds.

"Laura!" Calum says, opening his door wider. He quickly kisses my cheek and let's me walk inside. He was also sporting his glasses, which made me feel a little better about myself, along with dark jeans and a darker blue sweater. "Raini's in the kitchen. I gotta call Ross and see when he'll get here." I give him a smile and head to his kitchen. Raini was stirring the noodles and humming to a song I didn't recognize.

"Hey." I say sort of softly. I quickly clear my throat. No one needs to know I've been moping around for the past two days and not talking.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks, putting another pot on the stove. "Put the sauce in here so we can heat this baby up." I wasn't planning on answering her question.

"Ross is running a little late like he said, but he should be here within the next half hour." Calum says.

"Bummer, I have to leave before then." I say, pouring the sauce into the pot. I crank up the stove to where I want it and turn back around, seeing the both of them with weird looks on their face. "What?" I ask, leaning back on the counter and crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Why exactly do you have to leave?" Raini asks.

"I have plans with my parents." I reply with a shoulder shrug. "So what's the news?" I ask.

"Can you please stay until Ross gets here? I will say it once he gets here." Raini says.

"Raini, I seriously can't. I'm meeting my parents downtown and I don't want to be late." I tell her.

"That is the biggest lie I have ever heard." Calum says with an eye roll.

"I'm being serious!" I exclaim. "Bottom line is that I'm leaving in twenty or so minutes." I tell the both of them. Luckily, the two of them don't press any further on my lie and I keep an eye on the sauce. For a little while, the three of us talk about what we've been up to the last couple weeks, I kept it brief when they asked about me hanging out with Ross' family.

"Alright, just make sure it doesn't boil because that might ruin the taste, not gonna lie." I say, washing my hands. "Can I please hear the news now?" I ask.

"Laura, Ross should be here any minute! Can't you just wait a few more?" She asks, partly whines.

"Raini, I need to go!" I whine back. She frowns and cross her arms across her chest, sticks out her bottom lip and creases her brows. "Stop." I immediately say. "I'm not going to give in, Raini." I say. Before she can reply, there's a knock at the front door and Raini's pouting immediately ends as a smile overtakes her face. Fuck.

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