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Worth the Wait: 24 | Mapping Out Our Futures
| Laura Marano |

| The Next Day (June 11th, 2021) |

"You look like you're about to throw up." Rydel says as she opens the front door to her house. Vanni, Courtney, Chelsea, Sav and Kimmy walk inside the house leaving me last and dizzy.

"I'm just a little dizzy." I tell her, slowly making my way towards her couch.

"Wait, have you felt like this all morning?" She asks me, grabbing ahold of my wrist.

"No, I didn't start feeling dizzy until we pulled into the neighborhood." I tell her. "Just let me lay down for a few, it usually helps."

"I'm giving you a big cup of ice water." She tells me. I give her a thumbs up as I make my way towards her couch and curl up into a ball. Honestly, I felt fine when I woke up this morning. I wasn't nauseous or anything, not even during pilates. Faintly, I could hear the girls talking in the kitchen about what food to make while Rydel fills a cup up with ice. "Do you want me to text Ross or anything?" Rydel says once she enters her living room.

"No, it's okay. I might fall asleep, just wake me up when the food is ready. I'll clean the dishes afterwards." I say.

"Are you tired?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I don't think I slept very good last night. Mix that in with working out on an empty stomach, probably not the best thing I could have done." I tell her. The sleep thing was a lie, but the empty stomach thing wasn't. Once Ross let me cuddle him again, I slept great, didn't wake up once until my alarm went off. However, I definitely didn't eat breakfast this morning because I ended up pressing snooze twice and irritating the crap out of Ross.

"You positive you're okay?" She asks me.

"Yes. And please don't call Ross. Him and Rocky are doing that live stream in a couple hours and are probably busy." I tell her.

"I thought they were suppose to do that yesterday?"

"Entertainment Tonight had some difficulties with their equipment and told them to come today instead. I have an alarm set on my iPad so I can watch them." I tell her feeling my eyes grow heavy.

"Alright, I guess I'll wake you up in a little." She mumbles. "And you're positive you'll feel better when you wake up and after you eat something?" She asks me.

"I promise." I tell her. "Just... please don't text Ross." She furrows her eyebrows for a split second before giving me a small smile and a head nod. "Thank you." I whisper.

"We'll try and keep it down." I give her a thumbs up.

| Ross Lynch |

"Okay, can I ask you something?" I say, turning in my seat to face Rocky. The two of us were in his car on our way to our Entertainment Tonight live stream.

"Shoot." He says, turning down the music.

"Laura and I went to dinner with Riker and Vanni, and they brought up the two of us moving in together." I start.

"Is this your way of asking for permission to move in with your girlfriend? Because you don't need my permission, Ross-" I shake my head.

"No, that's not, that's not what I'm getting at. Well... kinda-just, there's more." I say with a head shake. Rocky snickers from beside me and I roll my eyes at him. "Riker and Vanni mentioned that because we spend so much time together, they just feel like we would've moved in together a while ago. They said that they feel like our relationship has already been going on for five years."

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