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Worth the Wait: 8 | Softball Sunday
| Laura Marano |

| A Couple Days Later (March 21st, 2021) |

"Oh thank gosh you answered. I sort of didn't realize it was before eight." Rydel says through my iPad screen. I laugh the slightest and push my glasses further up my face.

"Dude, I get up well before eight every morning. You're totally fine." I tell her, snuggling back up into my blanket on my couch. Even if I do get up early, I don't usually do anything productive unless I absolutely have to. I usually ask sup and eat some form a food, then grab my laptop and sit on my couch to reply to emails, check Twitter, and sometimes do some online shopping. If that sort of the question, I watch the news or a movie.

"Great. Would you be up for a game of softball with my family and friends?" She asks. I could tell she set e down on a counter as she brushed her hair out, most likely getting ready for this softball game. I furrow my eyebrows at her. "You know, the ones we always do on the weekends?" She adds.

"I know what you're talking about, I just don't know why I'm invited." I admit, shrugging my shoulders. She gets close to the camera and makes a face at me. "Come on, Rydel! You've been having these softball things for years and suddenly I'm invited? I love you and all but won't everyone think it's weird I'm there?" I ask.

"Uh, no one will think that." She tells me, now throwing her hair in a pony tail. "My Mom will be insanely happy to see you, and you'll get the luxury of hanging out with Vader, Velvet and Vanilla." She says. "I have a feeling you won't actually play, since you said you weren't athletic whatsoever, but my mom and aunt both love watching us play."

"Who's all going?" I ask.

"Um... my entire family, my four cousins, aunt and uncle, one of my cousins girlfriend, Courtney, Brandon and our friend Jessarae, who we usually call Jess or Jesse. That's an even amount of people so if you do play, we'd need another person." She tells me.

"No way in hell am I playing. I'll just make a fool of myself." I tell her, shaking my head.

"Does that mean you'll go?" She asks.

"Yeah, I guess. I got nothing better to do." I watch her as she puts on a black baseball hat, leaving her face free of makeup. "Where is this field and when should I be there?" I ask.

"If you want I'm sure the boys would be willing to give you a ride there. Just text Ross to see if you're on the way and if not, then he'll send you an address. Ellington and I are leaving in a few minutes but we're stopping by his parents first to give them a package that accidentally got sent to us." She tells me. "But if you could be ready in like... twenty-ish minutes or less the boys would gladly appreciate it."

"So I'm suppose text Ross?" I ask, trying to get the clarification. She nods her head at me. Sighing, I grab my phone and send Ross a quick text. "Does he know I'm invited?" I ask.

To Ross Lynch:
Am I on the way to the field you guys play softball at?

"Ellington knows you're invited." She replies, shrugging her shoulders. "Right honey?" She asks, and suddenly Ellington appears next to her.

"Yup." He replies, nodding his head, I give them a smile.

"You two are so cute. I seriously can't wait for your wedding." I say, giving them an even bigger of a smile. Ellington rolls his eyes and walk out of the camera view, but I could catch a small smile he had on his face. My phone beeps and a notification pops up on my iPad with Ross' name and his reply.

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