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happy birthday, ross 💛

Worth the Wait: 27 | Heartbeat
| Laura Marano |

| The Next Day (July 10th, 2021) |

I squeeze Ross' hand a little too tightly as he guides us through the employee entrance of our doctors office. I don't think I've ever been as nervous as I am now ever in my life. I think once I hear the baby's heartbeat my nerves would go down a bit, but until then I'm going to continue to squeeze Ross' hand with my shaking body.

"Honey, you're squeezing a little too hard again." He tells me for the third time since we've gotten out of the car, which was literally not even a minute ago.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, this time not loosening my grip. "Aren't you nervous?" I ask him. I watch as he just shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm... excited nervous. I'm not stressed nervous like you are, which you shouldn't be." He says. "Just relax, Laura. Stress isn't good on the baby." Doctor Holland, my OBGYN, was waiting at the reception desk with a few papers and a friendly smile on her face.

"Good morning. Before anything gets started I need you, Laura, to fill out some papers." She holds out a clipboard for me to take with the pen attached at the top. "You guys can go take a seat over their and just walk on back into the hall. I'll be in the first room on your left." She tells us.

"Thank you, Doctor Holland." I say, giving her a smile. Ross guides me to a couch and finally lets go of my hand once we're seated. It was the basic doctors papers I had to fill out; insurance, what I'm in for, symptoms, all that jazz. Once I had completely filled out the papers Ross and I made our way to the door where we found Doctor Holland in the first room on the left.

"Thank you" She says, grabbing my papers. "Go ahead and sit up in the chair, I just need to put your papers on file." I nod my head and Ross helps me up on the chair, which was more like a bed than a chair. "How have you been feeling the last few weeks?" She asks.

"Uh, well, I have dizzy spells a couple times a day." I tell her. "Sometimes they're so bad I end up throwing up or I have to take a nap because I can't focus on anything." I explain.

"That's totally normal in the first trimester of pregnancies, nothing to really worry about." She says, typing away at the computer. "Do you seem to have less energy?" She asks.

"Yeah, I usually can't go a day without taking a nap. That's with going to bed early and sleeping in." I say.

"Once the second trimester hits you get your energy levels go back to fairly normal and your dizzy spells should subside." She tells us. I look over at Ross who was very concentrated on what she was telling us. "When was the last time you got your period?" She asks.

"Uh..." I close my eyes for a moment. "I think late April or early May, I can't really remember." I tell her, a little embarrassed.

"Were you taking any prenatal vitamins before trying?" She asks.

"We actually weren't trying." Ross says with a slight laugh. She laughs a little with him on that and that only makes me a little more embarrassed. "What exactly do you check at this appointment?" Ross then asks.

"Well, you'll get an ultrasound, which you'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I'll also be able to tell you the embryo size, which is most likely considered a fetus at this point, I'll also check the condition of your fallopian tubes and ovaries, and to see if you're possibly carrying two babies in there." She explains. I look at Ross. "Go ahead and lay back." She tells me as she stands up from her chair. I do as she says, immediately holding my hand out for Ross to take. He scoots his chair back a bit and grabs ahold of my hand and squeezes it right. "Lift your shirt for me." With my free hand, I lift my shirt enough to show my whole stomach. She gets some gel out and rolls the screen over with the wand. "This might be cold." In one swift motion, she rubs the gel across my stomach. For a moment, the screen is blank, but soon a somewhat clear image appears on the screen. Both even five seconds later, a strong thumping sound starts. "That noise is your baby's heart." Hearing those words brought tears to my eyes. I lean my head against Ross' shoulder and smile.

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