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Worth the Wait: 16 | Sogno Sessuale
| Laura Marano |

| Several Days Later (April 15th, 2021) |

I jerk up, quickly realizing what I just had felt was all a dream. Ross' lips were not leaving fiery kisses along my body, his hands were not everywhere on me, and he definitely wasn't even in the same state as me. The light layer of sweat on my body is enough to convince me that I need to shower before I can even think about falling back asleep after that hot as hell sex dream with Ross. On my way to my bathroom, I caught sight of my clock, shining 3:06am in red block letters. With a strangled sigh, I get in my shower.

I take my time, thinking over my sexy dream. Never have I ever had a dream like that with anyone else. No sexy vivid dream when I was with my ex boyfriends. No sexy vivid dreams of celebrities. Just Ross. Hot, toned, sexy Ross. Amazing at sex Ross. My Ross. Is it bad that I want him right now? Is it bad that my body is physically aching for his touch? I haven't seen him for a day and a half and I'm literally dying. We've gone longer than two days without seeing each other since this whole liking stage has happened. Why and I fleeing so needy now?

My shower ended up being thirty minutes even. I cringe at how much hot water I just used and how much money I just wasted on a shower I usually take in ten minutes. I didn't get dressed, just put on my fluffy robe and sat up in my bed with my back against the headboard. I grab my iPad and open up Ross' messages. I knew he was up because one, he told me he had to be up by four New York time and it's now past six over there, and two, he already sent me a good morning text.

6:43am, 3:43am
To Ross Lynch:
You will never guess what I just dreamt about

He replies immediately.

From Ross Lynch:
Me doing naughty things to you? ;)

I knew I didn't want to lie. Plus, I needed to talk about it because I'm feeling so many things right now that are making my brain all fuzzy.

To Ross Lynch:

From Ross Lynch:
Shit, really?

To Ross Lynch:
Yes. I just got out of the shower because I was covered
in sweat

To Ross Lynch:
It's almost four o'clock here and I can't sleep. I need you

From Ross Lynch:
You actually just made me hard right now. I applaud you.
Just know that I'm going on live tv in fifteen minutes and
I will be sporting a boner if you don't stop talking about
this, Laura

To Ross Lynch:
I'm not even kidding, the dream was so... real feeling. 
Except it wasn't so I kinda need you to come home so we
can actually play out my dream. Roaming hands and
and mouths and all

From Ross Lynch:
Stop talking about your dream!

To Ross Lynch:
I can't! I've never had a dream like that before! And now
I'm feeling all needy and don't know what to do!

From Ross Lynch:
Oh my god, I'm turning my phone off. This isn't happening.
Nope. You're not texting me right now about how amazing
our sex was in one of your dreams when I can't even see
you for another ten hours

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