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Worth the Wait: 10 | Touchy
| Ross Lynch |

| A Couple Days Later (March 23rd, 2021) |

"Holy shit, this is dope!" I nod my head along to Rocky's words, letting the new beats sink into my head. "Damn, we got everything done that I wanted to get done before everyone shows up and it's only one o'clock." He says,  turning down the music. "Celebratory beer?" He asks me.

"Dude, just wait to drink until everybody else show sup. It's only three hours." I tell him, leaning back in my chair.

"What the fuck is up with you lately?" Rocky asks, pausing the music completely. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him. "You passed up a date from tinder yesterday, with a girl who was hot and seemed genuinely into you, because you said you think you're coming down with a cold and didn't want to get her sick. That's the absolute lamest trick in the book, bro. And then Ryland suggested that the three of us have a bros night and get fucked up together outside by a fire last night, you turned down the alcohol but still came out with us. What the fuck is up?" He asks. I couldn't help but sigh and rub my hand down my face. I claps my hands together and rest my elbows on my thighs, dropping my gaze to my lap. There's no point in keeping

"I like Laura again." I mumble, my eyes closed.

"Speak up, bro. I didn't hear a single word you just said." I groan and throw my head back. Fuck.

"I like Laura again." I say normally. "Like, really like her again." I watch as Rocky raises his eyebrows and then puffs out a breath with a shake of his head.

"Shit. Okay..." He trails off. "Uh... when did you realize this?" He asks.

"Sunday." I whisper.

"Okay so it's only been two days. How do you know you actually like her?" He asks me.

"When I was with her on Sunday, all I wanted to do was kiss her, Rocky. Except it didn't stop at kissing." I say quietly.

"So you're attracted to her. That doesn't mean you necessarily like her, Ross." He tells me. "You're both full grown adults, physical attraction is completely normal." I shake my head at him.

"No, Rocky. It's not physical attraction. I full blown like her again. To point where, embarrassingly enough, I looked through her hashtag just to find pictures of her." I say.

"Does she like you?" He asks.

"I don't know." I whisper. "But even if she did I don't... I wouldn't know what to do. At least when it's one sided I know I have to get over her, but if she actually likes me back..." I shake my head at my own words.

"Can I be honest with you?" I nod my head. "It might hurt your feelings a little bit, though." He tells me.

"Go for it." I whisper, having nothing to really lose in this situation. Rocky sighs and sits up a little straighter, itching his beard a few time.

"You're not her type, Ross." He finally says. I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"What?" I ask. "What are you talking about?"

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