Chapter 11 - Awkward Awakenings

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(A/N: Pic of Katherine, played by Kaley Cuoco, to the right)

The first thing Dana noticed when she groggily woke up from her drugged slumber was that her bound wrist was covered in shallow gashes.  She hissed as the pain in her wrist intesified from shifting her arm.

"You're finally awake," Sierra whispered from beside her, startling Dana."Is your... Abdomen okay?"  She nodded towards Dana's stomach as she referred to her theoretical baby.

Dana grimaced as another stab of pain went through her wrist.

"Just peachy, thanks."  Dana grunted as she gingerly adjusted the placement of her hand to minimize the pain.  "When did you wake up?"

Sierra shrugged.  "I think it was 6:00 AM the first time I woke up.  I fell asleep for a few hours after that.  You, however, slept in much longer than me.  I was afraid you were in a coma."

Dana glared at her before speaking, " I don't normally sleep in this mu- Hey!  How did you know what time it was?"  She furiously looked around the barren room they were being held in.  The only source of light was a small ray of sunlight coming through a barred window.

"My cellphone?" Sierra dangled her jCell in front of Dana's flabbergasted face.

"Give me your cellphone," Dana growled as she attempted to use her free hand to snatch Sierra's phone away.

"Why do you need my phone?"  Sierra questioned while dangling her phone just out of Dana's reach.

"I need to check my email," She spat sarcastically.  "Why do you think I need your phone?!  We need to call the police to take us out of this hellhole?"  Dana's stomach growled, adding more of an effect to her urgent tone.

Sierra's face fell.  "We can't call the police," She bluntly stated.

"Why not?!" Dana yelled in frustration.

"If we call the police, they'll be wondering why we're here.  They'll start asking questions that they shouldn't know the answers to," Sierra reasoned vaguely.  Dana gave her a confused look before she continued, "Just leave the escape plan to me.  I can handle this."

"I feel so reassured," Dana said sarcastically as she looked pointedly at the cuff circling Sierra's left wrist.

"Oh.  Right," Sierra mumbled as she jangled the cuff absentmindedly.  She grimaced as the cuff put more pressure on her already raw wrist.

Dana rolled her eyes. "Give me your phone.  We need to call the po-"

Dana's sentence was cut short as a loud thump rang from outside the room.  The girls attempted to scurry towards the source of the noise before being harshly pulled back by their restraints.

"Call the damn police." Dana's face was rapidly becoming paler by the minute.  She jumped in fright as another loud noise came from outside, this time seemingly closer.

"What do you mean, you don't have anymore vodka in stock?!" A voice yelled as the doorknob to the captives' room jiggled.

Dana and Sierra sat in shock as two figures stepped into the room.

"Katherine?!"  The two captives yelled in unison.

"Oh... Hello."  Katherine greeted the two girls, eyeing their bonds suspiciously.  She was holding a half-eaten nutella crepe in one hand and gripping the front shirt of what seemed to be a janitor with the other.  "Am I... interrupting something?"

"Katherine, you dunce!  We're fully clothed, and, might I remind you, I'm in love with Taylor Lautner, not this slightly pregnant idiot."  Sierra huffed, rolling her eyes at Katherine, who was suggestively waggling her eyebrows.  Dana grimaced to herself.  Bondage wasn't her thing and neither was Sierra, for that matter.

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