Chapter 4 - Dangerous Disclosures

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Sierra and Christina seemed to be the only people who noticed Dana's sudden labor.

"Perfect timing," Christina said from behind Dana.  She laced her fingers together and nodded her head in what appeared to be excitement.  Dana looked behind her in confusion, and then fell to the floor and grunted in pain.

"What's going on?" Sierra voiced Dana's thoughts.

Christina looked as if she was battling her own thoughts before shrugging.

"Might as well tell you, now that it's finally coming," she strangely spoke.

"Excuse me?" Dana managed to grunt.

"I never expected you to figure out our plan, Dana," Christina said as two figures stepped into the room.  Dana squinted her eyes as the room started to blur before her.

"What are you babbling about?" Sierra countered in confusion.  Sierra was finally able to distinguish the features of the two figures as they drew closer.

"Why, the notion of Wombception, of course," Christina quipped.  "We always were aware of Dana's...  situation.  According to our data, she's about a year late."  Christina rolled her eyes, as if annoyed by Dana's tardiness.

"Late?"  Sierra asked as she looked towards Dana's crumpled body on the floor.  "She's really going to give birth to herself?  I don't understand."

Christina picked up the pillow closest to her and screamed in it in exasperation.  Dana in return vociferated back, though without the pillow to muffle her voice.

Christina, pulling the pillow back from her face, turned to the two men behind her.

"Marren," she grinned wickedly.  Sierra gasped.  

Christina then turned to the man beside the english teacher, giving him a deep bow.  The man was dressed in a pharoah ensemble and was clutching a plastic ziploc bag as if it was his lifeline.  He turned to Sierra, puffing out his chest profusely.  After a few moments of careful consideration, Sierra realized that the man, in fact, was inflating his chest in an average manner- it just protruded in peculiar practice.

"I am Pharoah Bonnie Bassler," the costumed man boomed. Sierra's mouth hung agape.  "For several years I have searched for the one who holds the answers towards human cloning."

Sierra's face remained blank.

"During my lifetime, I have watched our leaders fail us time and time again.  We have not had true leadership since the presidency of Abraham Lincoln."  Pharoah Bonnie Bassler looked off into the distance wistfully.

"There is one person that can pull us out of this economic turmoil," the pharoah motioned to his plastic bag.  After looking closer, Sierra noticed a single strand of hair resting inside it.


He couldn't possibly mean...

"Henry Clay," Bassler confirmed Sierra's fears.

"But what role does Dana play into this?" Sierra questioned.

"Soon, Dana will be the first person to have ever successfully cloned themselves.  I plan on experimenting on her and her clone to finally be able to learn the secrets of cloning.  Then, Henry Clay will be able to rise again and lead us on the path we should have followed in 1824."

Sierra looked at Dana's now-asleep figure resting on the floor.

"Experimenting?"  She whispered to herself.  She then turned to the man beside the pharoah.

"Mr. Marren?" She softly squeaked.  "Why are you here?"

"I will always follow the rule of the bosom," he simply stated.  Sierra looked at the pharoah.  Indeed, if Mr. Marren were to follow any bosom, Bassler's would be the one to choose.

"You said she was a year late," Sierra said, turning to Christina.

"She was supposed to give birth in 2012," Christina replied.

"The year of the apocalypse?"  

Christina nodded.

"I can't wrap my mind around why you're here," Sierra said, raking her hand through her long hair.  "What can you gain out of this?"

Christina twiddled with her circle scarf that she always wore, sheepishly glancing towards the pharoah.  She finally looked back and locked her gaze with Sierra.

"Pharoah Bonnie Bassler promised," She murmured. "He promised to fix my neck, okay?"

"What are you-"

Sierra was cut short as Christina threw her head forward and dramatically ripped her scarf off her neck.  Sierra was temporarilly blinded by the ugliness that wreaked havoc on Christina's neck.

"My eyes!"  Sierra screeched.

Immediately under Christina's chin was a bush of luxuriously long white hair.  Not one hair peeked above her jawbone- they just seemed to be fixated on her collar.  The hair barely reached her chest.  What would the appropriate term for this be?  Aha!  A neck beard!

"How did that happen?" Sierra inquired, her wits finally about her.

"It was a freak accident," Christina covertly confided, making sure the two men behind her couldn't eavesdrop.  "I was trying to make a hair-growing serum and accidentally spilled some on my neck."

"How on earth did that happen?" 

"Never ask Kent to be your lab assistant," she sighed.

"It's not entirely his fault," Sierra defended him.  "You know what happened during the Great Titration Mishap."

Christina cast her a frosty glare before hissing, "Well, now I know."

"Anyways," Christina continued, whispering, "Pharoah Bassler promised to get rid of it if I could assist him with finding the cloning solution.  He thinks that what happened with my kneck was just an attempt to clone myself into Horace Greeley."

"Do you even know how to find the cloning solution?" Sierra asked.

"I'm an AP Chemistry student," she replied, shrugging her shoulders.  "It can't be as difficult as getting an A in the class."

"Although I do feel bad for your neck issue, I don't think it's right to be experimenting on Dana, no matter how bizarre her whole birth fiasco is."

"I'm afraid I have no choice," Christina said, looking back to the two men who now had Dana lying on a stretcher.  She walked over to her bag and started searching through it, Sierra trailing from behind.

"Christina, I don't understand what-"

Sierra's vision then turned dimmer and dimmer as she felt a sudden pressure of cloth against her mouth.  Christina's voice replayed in her mind until her vision completely blacked out and she fell into the abyss.

"I'm afraid I have no choice."

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