::chapter 1::

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The thrill of having intercourse with my workers no longer has that exciting thrill anymore, not even when I find out they are married.

I have fucked the handy man.

I have fucked the Gardner.

I have fucked even the man who delivers ChoiceFit food to me and my bestfriend apartment.

I have no shame.

If you were in my position you wouldn't have any shame either, what's so ever.

"I don't even know why I still go to that stupid club, it's annoying trying to find a dominant good enough!" I whined on and on to my one and only Bestfriend Skyla.

"Ever thought of being a full dominant yourself." All I could do was stare at her.

"You weren't listening to me at all were you?" Under eyeing her in the process of talking.

"I was very much listening. You just seem like the person to be a dominant." Skyla said shrugging playing with her nails.

"Thats kind of a turn off if I do it all the work all the time " I state firmly leaving no room to go on with me being a full dominant nonsense. I'm a switch, rarely though, I'm mostly a submissive.

Sky got up off the bed pulling me out of the room "Enough of this whining, let's go shopping." I didn't answer back I just went along with whatever she wanted us to.


We finish shopping and decided to go to the club, since the porn videos wasn't getting it. Sky got dressed in a nice hot pink corset with a black garter belt. I decided to go all out and get dressed in a crème colored corset padded with lace covering it .

Of course we weren't heading out like this, since it was winter time, we both decided to wear black trench coats that had our name on the back with our names and positions on the back.


Standing by yourself watching other people is not as fun and exciting as it seems. Sky's dom had arrived unexpectedly and took her into one the play rooms, leaving me stranded by the bar.

I should really start searching for a new dominant. I stood around looking for a good 10 minutes and decided to mess with the bartender.

Messing with Warren is basically flirting. I so happen to be wearing to be wearing his favorite color.

After a good 20 to 30 minutes I feel someone behind me. So I turned around and jumped off the bar and came face to face with a pretty buff chest, usually here I be faced with their neck, so this man was pretty tall.

While I was too busy trailing my eyes up and down this mans body, A rough deep voice man had spoken.

"Dom Cade, state your name." I was instantly attracted to his posture, the way he speaks, most importantly the way he addresses himself.

I decided to test him, I ignored his request of who I may be and walked around him, checking him out from head to toe. I saw "Dom Cade" nod his head as his men walked away. As soon as they where out of eyesight he grabbed me and bend down so we can be face to face. Imagine my 5'5 form against Cade's 6'6 form.

"I have asked what your name is, and I expect an answer now!" he bellowed out. I smirked, this is my dom, I have already chooses .

I keep smirking a whispered into his ear, making sure he feels my breath "Switch Sydney"

While our little encounter, I see Sub Ashley come over. I've put her in her place more than one time. she spotted how close we are, and still decided to introduce herself, as Ashley, and she's looking for a Dom.

Before Cade could open his mouth to correct her, I switched to my full dominance stand.

I swiftly grabbed her by her jaw, pushing down on her to make her get on her knees.

"Ashely! I will not tolerate disrespect, you came up infront of two doms and still disrespect both! You will go over to Ben and you will be punished." I pushed her away as I stated my last word and watch her scramble away.

I turned my attention back to Cade "You will be my dom, and only mine " I narrowed my eyes at him "deal?"

Cade's povo ( don't get use to two povs in one chapter . to be honest don't get use to two povs at all)

After 2 years, I'm finally going back to my home town. It's been a while since I've been there and I'm really excited to try out the new bdsm club they built "Savaged Pleasures"

I've heard the subs there are really hot there compared to the ones in Arizona.

My wife tells me she doesn't mind my life style nor does she mind I barley have time for her. I know it really bothers her but she's only into vanilla, and that does not satisfy me at all.

I'm already seeing hot girls as soon as I step out of the car in front of the club. Instead of looking at the girls outside, I went inside to look for the ones who are fully committed into bdsm.

I stood at the door a good 20 minutes before my eyes landed on a well built red head. I could tell she's been in bdsm for a while just by the way she dresses and her stances. Her back is turned towards me so I can see the message on the back of her jacket.

" Sydney kassy Thomson, Switch "

Just what I was looking for.

After staring at her for so long, I finally decided to go over to her. I had been standing behind her for a 2 minutes before she realize someone was behind her. Before I came over you could tell she had been messing with the bartender, she turned around from the bartender and jumped off the bar.

I watched her with amusement dancing in my eyes as she trailed her eyes over my body, I told her who I was and also requested to know who she was. I think she was testing me, instead of answering she walked around me, still looking at me from head to toe. I wanted this girl, and if this was a test I would pass.

I grabbed her by her arm "I I have asked what your name is, and I expect an answer now!" I watched her red lips curl into a sainted smirk as she lean in still smirking and whispered

"I am Switch Sydney "

Me and Sydney had been talking for a good little while, as in I told her about my wife and what I was looking for, than this little preppy blond came over she introduced her self as Ashley and also stated she was looking for a dominant, I could tell when she came over she was a submissive, I was about to open my mouth to correct her, but before I know it Sydney stance had change and she grabbed Ashley by her jaw making her get down on her knees.

I watch how Sydney put her in her place, telling her she had disrespected two doms and would be punished by a dude name ben.

When Sydney was done she looked at me and have me that famous smirk again

"You are my dom and only my dom" I watched her cute, but dangerous eyes narrow at me "Deal?"

I stood up at my full height and looked at her straight in the eye and pulled off my panty dropping smile.

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