Grade 7? funn part 3

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The bell rang and all of us got up and went to our next class. I had gym so I went straight to the locker room. It was pretty loud in there. Girls wear changing into their shirts and shoes. I found a locker and shoved my stuff in their.I pulled my LG Rumor 2 from my pocket and texted my mom quick about going over to Stephens house even though I already told him I could. I unzipped my backpack and shoved my phone to the bottom of my backpack, pulled my shirt and shoes out of my backpack and quickly got on my school's ugly gray tee-shirt, shoved my Reebok running shoes on and ran out into the gym. The gym was pretty big. The walls were painted yellow with red lines going around in the middle. Their was a gigantic score board on the left wall. Along one of the walls blue mats hung. The lines on the polished gym floor were red and yellow like the walls. In the middle of the gym their was a volleyball net. Yes i love volleyball i thought. I guess that's why there are benches on the side walls.There were a few kids standing around waiting for gym class to start."Hey Brighten!"somebody called out from behind me. I spun around to see Stephen standing their in black basketball shorts and the schools gray gym tee-shirt. "Hey Stephen."I said. I walked up to him and stood beside him. More students filed out of the change rooms and filled the huge gym.There were only 22 of us in counting 13 girls and 9 boys by my count. All of a sudden the gym teacher blows the whistle."Okay class this is your first day,I am Mr.Stavina. You can call me Mr.S if you would like. I assume you all know how to play volleyball?" He asked. We all nodded out heads yes."Okay then. I'll give you a number 1 or 2 ,2's go on the right side and 1's go on the left." He went around giving kids their number. Since me and Stephen were standing near each other we got put on opposite teams."Pick a spot on the court, If there's none left take a seat on the bench." The gym teacher instructed. I ended up in back middle."Team 2,"Mr.S started(that was my team) "Pick a team name."We all huddled up and came up with the name Pain Givers "Ok team 1 pick a team name." The huddled to and came up with the name Death Volleys .The people on our side on the bench started chanting "Pain Givers! Pain Givers" Over and over. The other students on the other team were chanting "Kick their butts! Kick their butts" Over and over . A pretty girl with auburn hair from my geography class was in the serving spot on our team. She over handed it and it went flying through the air and landed near the opposite teams back middle. The girl in back middle bumped it back to me and I bumped it back. A girl with short blond hair in back right(from Brightens team spot)bumped it into the net. Mr.S blew his whistle and shoouted"1 point for Pain Givers" over the cheering both teams. Our team screamed out when they heard we got a point. The other teams server rolled the ball under the net to the auburn haired girl. She over handed it again and the ball just skidded the top of the net sikeing(pro nounced sike-ing) the other team. The ball dropped to the ground."Point for Pain Givers."The teacher yelled over the cheering. Our team served again but this time she missed and the ball went right into the net. "Rotate."The gym teacher said not bothering to shout over the teams cheers.The serving girl rolled it under the net to the girl in the serving spot. The gym doors burst open and in jogs a teacher in her mid 30's with strawberry blond hair. "Mr.Stavina! We need your help in the staff room."She said out of breath. "Okay kids I will be right back. Please don't be too loud." He said as he went through the gym doors. "WHOOOOO!" some kids shouted. I walked over to the girl who was serving and said "Good job at serving your pretty good." "Thanks. Your not to bad yourself. I'm Mihya you?"She asked. "Brighten." I replied. "Well I got to go" She said and took off towards some random guy. I stood there waiting for Mr.S to come back. Stephen came up to me saying "Wow Brighten! Your amazing at volleyball!" He exclaimed. "Uh I'm not that great. But thank you Stephen." I said. "Wow!" was all he said. "Hey so are you still coming over to my house?"He asked hopfully."I texted my mom about it I'm pretty sure she will say yes its just she doesn't like me inviting myself over and she likes to know where I am."I told him. "Oh I see. Ahaha. My moms the same way it's just I don't have to ask before I let friends come over." He said. "Aha. Awesome Sauce." "I like that." He said and walked away. Liked what? The saying Awesome Sauce? Anyways I couldn't wait to go to his house! I know I just meet him but he's really nice. He was their for me today when I needed it. Which reminds me I still don't even know those girls names.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Before I knew it I was waiting for Stephen and Jake outside on the schools steps. The schools front doors opened and out walked Jake and Stephen.

Comment and Vote. Thanks for reading it means a lot seriously. Hey shout out to my awesome friend Jenna! She's Mihya in the story. Check her account out its XoXosexibabieXoXo

PS! i worked my butt off on that chapter!its 2:00 am right knw so if their are errors im so im tired

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