Grade 7? funn. part 7

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Hey guys! Sorry i havent uploaded in while.Ive been trying to think of ways to be more desciptive and stuff in my story so.... here it goess!!!

BTW! These people all live in Georgia. And Zak is from Canada.

Just to let you know you don't find out who got shot in this chapter. You find out laterrrrr on in the story. I also decied that I didn't wanna write three weeks of nothingness so I skipped past all that.

Stephens P.O.V


"JAKE! STEPHEN!"My mum shouted from down stairs. "You slept in you going to be late!" I hopped off the top bunk and landed on the floor with a thud. "JAKE! WAKE UP!" I shouted while shaking him. "We're gonna be late for school!" Jake stirred and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "I'm so tired."He mumbled. I walked over to our closet and pushed aside the white doors. I grabbed a pair of denim jeans and a green Aeropostal shirt. I yanked a pair of light blue jeans and a black T-shirt off the hangers for Jake. I walked by the bunk bed and threw Jake's clothes at him. I walked across the room to the dresser. I opened the top draw, pulled out two pairs of socks and boxers for me and Jake. I chucked the boxers and socks at Jake. "C'mon! Were gonna be late if you don't hurry!" I yelled at him. "Sorry," He muttered. "It's just I'm so tired." Jake rolled out of bed, landed on the floor tangled in sheets. He peeled them off and walked out the room to the bathroom. I stripped out of my PJ's and into my clothes. Jake walked back in the room looking wide awake. I sat on the bottom bunk while he got dressed. "I'm going downstairs." I said and stood up and walked out the door, leaving Jake alone in the room.

I walked slowly down the cream colored hallway and looked at the pictures of our family. When i got downstairs mum was at the dining room table eating breakfast, Reece right beside her. "Good morning Sweetie." Mom said before taking a sip of her tea. "Morning, "I mumbled."Where's dad?"I asked I walking over to the fruit bowel and grabbed a apple. "He already left for work." My mum said nonchalantly. I sat down at the table beside Reece. "I gotta run! Or I'm going to be late!" Reece yelled, while pulling on his shoes. Jake came down the stairs just as Reece left. "Morning Jakie!"Mom greeted him with his nickname. "Hi mum."Jake said. He walked to the bowel and grabbed a peach. He sat in the same seat Reece did. All of the sudden Reece burst through the front door. "I forgot my backpack." He said sheepishly, he walked into the back room. Two seconds later he came back with his backpack. "Bye mum, Jake and Stephen!" Reece called before slamming the door shut. "Well mum, me and Jake better be going or we're going to be late." I said while pushing my chair in. "Okay bye Sweetie's!" My mum said while also pushing her chair in to. She put her cereal dish and her tea cup in the sink and hugged me and Jake. I shoved my feet into my blue Etnies and grabbed my back pack. I walked out the door and waited for Jake on the porch. A few seconds later Jake stumbled out the door. "C'mon lets go."I said. We walked down the porch steps and down the little path way. "Hey, um Stephen, can I ask you something?"Jake asked a little shyly. Shoot."I said as we turned onto the busy street where Brighten got hurt. Cars and trucks all colors whizzed by us. Jake and I looked both ways. When we didn't see any cars coming we crossed, and made it safely to the other side. "Do you like Brighten?" Jake blurted."I've been watching you and Brighten for a few days and... "Like like?" I asked unsure. "Yeah like, like." Jake answered. "No.." I said looking away. "C'mon I can tell you're lying. I'm your twin brother. I know you like her..." Jake teased. "DO NOT!" I stamped a blush starting. "AWE!STEPHEN LIKES BRIGHTEN STEPHEN, LIKES BRIGHTEN!"Jake chanted so loud thought even China could hear. "C'mon Jake! Stop! Were almost at school."I shouted. We turned down a lonely street. All the houses look identical but the color. "So.." I started. "Who do you like?" I asked trying to pry from him. "Miyha."He said blushing. "AWEE!" I said in a girly voice. "JAKE LIKES MIYHA!" I shouted twice as loud as he did. "C'mon dude! We're really close to school. People could hear you now shut up!" Jake hissed. We reached the school and approached the steps. We pushed open the heavy double doors and walked in the sea of people. Me and Jake walked to our lockers(there right beside each other) and grabbed out stuff for first period. The hallways were crowded. People were talking, laughing and rushing to get to their lockers. I pushed through the crown with Jake right behind me. Me and Jake split up, he had Gym and I had English, this period with Miyha, Jakes "girlfriend". I laughed at the thought of that. I slung my backpack off of my shoulder and I reached into the front pocket to get my i-pod. I shoved the ear buds in my ears. Hands Up by Hedley came on. This was one of my favorite songs. I unzipped my backpack again and took out my black hoodie. (You know it could get cold!) I walked into the English classroom and pulled my hood up. Mr. White greeted me" Hello Stephen!" "Hello Mr. White." I mumbled. I was a minute early so I found a good seat in the middle of the class room. Not at the back but also not in the front. I put my I-pod back in my bad and took out my English supplies. The bell rang not to later after I was ready. Students filed in and took seats. Miyha took a seat beside me. When everyone was seated Mr. White greeted us. "Good Morning class!"He said cheerfully. "Today we have a new student, but it appears he is late." Everybodys face lit up. It was only three weeks into school and we have a new student? I asked myself. Just then the door burst open and in walked a kid with shortish dirty blonde hair. He had light but striking brown eyes. He walked up to the front of the teacher and said. "I'm Zak Goodwin, I just moved here from Canada. I'm 12 and yah..." He said shyly. "Welcome Zak it's nice to meet you. I'm Mr. White. You can take a seat beside Rebecca."He said while pointing to a girl in the back row with red hair and hazel eyes. As Zak walked down the aisle all eyes were on him. All the stares stopped as he at down. I turned back to Mr. White and looked at a spot on the chalk board, to make him think I was listeing. The truth is, Brighten has been on my mind 24/7.

Brightens P.O.V

The first three periods went by fast, and soon it was lunch time.

I sat across the lunch table with Miyha, waiting for Jake and Stephen. I picked up my piece of pizza and started chowing down. Kids were waiting in the lunch line, talking and trying to find empty seats in the crowded cafeteria. Jake and Stephen came and sat down with their treys. Jake sat beside Miyha and Stephen sat beside me. "Hey, did you hear about that new kid from Canada?" Jake asked. "No?"I asked. "Oh, well he was in my Health class second period. His name is Zak and everybody is saying he lives in an igloo and rides polar bears to school." Jake told me. "That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard! They don't ride polar bears to school!" I exclaimed. That's ridiculous I thought. Stephen cracked up laughing. A few seconds later the whole table was laughing like maniacs.

Stephens P.O.V

Zak walked over to our table with his lunch trey and asked if he could sit with us. Since Zane was out sick, we let him sit with us. He sat on the other side of Brighten. I introduced Brighten and Miyha to Zak. I just had noticed that Zak and teal braces, Zane's favorite color. Meredith and Serena did their "walk in and make everybody drool over us." walk .Everybody had their attention on them but me. I smelt something funny. It smelt like smoke. I bet it's just the kitchen's cooking I tried to convince myself. Crackling started and heat was rising. Students started to scream and head for the doors. I looked towards the cafeteria kitchen and fire had spread very quickly. The fire alarm rang, I got out off the bench and helped Brighten. The cafeteria was crowded, everybody was panicking. The fire's smoke started getting thicker. I wonder how this happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2010 ⏰

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