Grade 7? Funn part 4

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The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Before I knew it I was waiting for Stephen and Jake outside on the schools steps. The schools front doors opened and out walked Jake and Stephen.

Brightens P .O.V

"Hey guys." I said as they closed the schools doors. "Hey."They both said in unison. "What did your mum say Brighten?" Stephen asked. "I'm aloud to come over as long as I am home by 7." "Great."He exclaimed." I know it's only the first day of school but I wanted to show off my new friend."Stephen said proudly. "Aha thanks. But wouldn't your mum be mad that you didn't tell her I was coming over." I asked. "Nah. She knows already." He said. "Oh okay." I said a bit confused.

On the way walking to their house we asked each other random questions to get to know each other. I learned that the twins birthdays were March 16th 1998.I learned that Jake's favorite color was blue and Stephen's was orange. They both played hockey and rugby. We walked for a few more minutes down the street until Stephen and Jake stopped beside me. "We have to cross here." Jake said. The street was pretty busy. Cars were going both ways past the speed limit. After waiting for a few seconds, the street was empty. Stephen looked up and down the streets making sure no cars where coming. "Ok ready?"He asked when he didn't say any cars. What Stephen didn't notice was there was a side street further down more then 250 feet away. Before I could say anything to him, Stephen grabbed my hand and ran across the street. Everything happened in slow motion. The car that was more then 250 feet away was now 2 feet away. The screech of tires burned my ear and tears blurred my eyes. I'm going to die now I thought. I felt myself being picked up in somebody's arms. Cars horns were honking all at different times. "BRIGHTEN!" somebody called out. I opened my eyes and and wiped away me tears. I was in Jakes arms. We were on the other side of the street on the side walk. "Hey you kids! Be carful next time and look both ways!" The driver that almost hit us shouted. He sped away without any further ado. The other vehicles stopped behind the car drove off not bothering to see if we were okay. Seconds later the street was filled up with cars again. Stephen sat beside Jake. "Brighten are you okay?"He asked, tears were welling up in his eyes. "I'm I'm fine," I said trying to speak. "Wha happened?" I asked dazed. "The car I didn't see stopped right in time. The cars behind it stopped right in time too, otherwise there would have been an accident." Stephen explained. Did that just happen? I asked my self. Wow. Jake put me down and let me sit on my own. "I'm so happy your safe!" Stephen exclaimed. "It's all my fault." The tears that were unshed in his eyes came streaming down his cheeks. "Stephen! It's not your fault sweetie. It's okay, nobody got hurt."I said trying to make him better. Jake came and squatted down in front of us and pulled me and Stephen into a group hug. "We are so grateful nobody got hurt badly." Jake said. We all pulled away and smiled. "Nobody says anything to our mums. They will freak! If we told them." I said. "Agreed" they both said and we all laughed. We all got up and I brushed my Injara shorts from the tiny loose side walk stones. As soon as I took a step I almost fell over, Pain shot up my leg."My leg!" I screamed in pain. Stephen was at my side in flash helping me back up. "Mabye I should umm..." He looked a little embarrassed, "Hold carry you." Stephen said and blushed. "Yeah. Thanks."I said trying to fight the pain in my leg. I looked down and there was a gash just right under my knee cap. Stephen picked me up and started walking down the street. We turned a corner onto a lonely street. The pain in my leg really hurt. I think I might need stitches. I thought. It was pretty deep when I looked at it. Tears poured down my cheeks. "It's going to be okay." Stephen and Jake reassured me.

HEY! Thanks this took forever to write because I had no idea how to describe the crash! Lolz anyways thanks comment and vote! :D

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