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"Tony you shouldn't be picking him up with your burns." Steve said.

"well I'm not leaving him, he's asleep." Tony muttered. "besides he poured something on them earlier, they don't hurt." Tony added. Steve frowned, handing Phil his crutches. Phil took them happily.

"are you sure you've got him?" Steve ask.

"yeah. if they start to hurt and I drop him, he wakes up. it's fine." Tony replied.

"don't drop me." Bruce muttered tiredly, reaching his arms up to wrap them around Tony's neck tightly. "please?" Bruce ask quietly, knowing with how soft his voice got only Tony, and maybe Hawkeye, heard him.

"no promises." Tony teased, holding slightly tighter to him, just to reassure them both. Bruce nuzzled his face into Tony's neck. Hulking out twice took a lot of energy and Bruce didn't have that energy. "this is familiar." Tony muttered, shifting Bruce gently.

"you've done it quite a few times." Steve replied.

"where did Thor go?" Natasha ask.

"he disappeared when we got here." Phil said.

"probably off doing godly things." Clint said.

"lets go, he's heavy." Tony said.

"we shouldn't just leave, we should stick around and see if we can help the city. people are probably buried in debris." Steve said.

"you should've said that before Bruce changed back." Tony replied. "neither he nor Phil are in any shape to help clean up and blonde disappeared." Tony added.

"blonde?" Steve ask.

"god dude, whatever his name was." Tony replied. "Loki! it was Loki! no wait that doesn't sound right... then who the hell is Loki?" Tony muttered quietly to himself. the others stiffened at the name.

"it was Thor, Tony." Natasha said quickly.

"right Thor." Tony muttered, still trying to figure out who Loki was.

"Tony's right. with four people down we can't really do anything." Natasha said.

"four? Thor, Phil, and Bruce thats only three." Clint said.

"I'm counting Tony, we haven't technically told the public he's back and Bruce is kinda holding on for dear life. I don't see him letting go for Tony to do some clean up duty." Natasha said.

"we can't just ignore that the public needs our help." Steve replied.

"Bruce is getting heavy, can we please just leave?" Tony ask, shifting him gently. Bruce nuzzled his neck murmuring softly. Tony shivered at the warm breath on his neck.

"right, come on. let's find a car and get out to your private jet." Steve said. Tony nodded carefully stepping around debris on the floor so he wouldn't trip. they headed out of the building.

"Jarvis, you don't think you could send a car for us do you?" Tony ask, hitting a button on his phone.

"of course Sir." Jarvis replied.

"I wonder if Jarvis gets lonely..." Tony thought out loud.

"he can't be lonely. we're always annoying him." Clint said. Tony didn't seem to hear him, too busy mumbling to himself about something. a car pulled up in front of them.

"hey! Jarvis said you needed a ride." Happy said getting out.

"yeah to Tony's private air port." Natasha said. Happy nodded opening the door. it took them a few minutes to climb into the large car, but once they did they were off. Tony sat quietly, indian style, on one of the seats. Bruce slept quietly curled up in his lap. it would be a while before he even had the energy to realize he was being moved. the others kept quiet anyway, they'd accidently woken him up once, it hadn't been fun. if Bruce was tired, he was a sarcastic, grumpy, asshole and no one wanted that.

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