Part 36

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success was so close we could practically taste it, but then it happened Koro-sensei revealed his ultimate defense.

according to Ritsu, if the snipers' trajectory was 30cm to the left, it would have evaded Koro-sensei ultimate defense. Either way, it sure made both Rinka and Chiba very gloomy. Like gloomier than usual.

I felt weird, headache, stomach pain... who knows. "Hey guys is it just me or..." my legs gave out.

Third pov

(F/n) has collapsed. As if a domino effect, half of the class are now all lying on the table with a high fever.

"call an ambulance stat this is an emergency"

Karasuma-sensei's phone started buzzing indicating an incoming call.

"hey teacher man I'd say your students were in a bad way right about now"

"and who is this

"take it, easy friend, there's no need for you to know who I am"

"are you the one who is responsible for making them sick"

"your good, but they are a lot more than sick their body is hosting a lab manufacture virus, and the symptom varies. After about a week their vitals will become jelly, the lucky for I am the sole possessor of the antidote. if you want it then come get it yourself I am located here."

a map and location appeared on Karasuma's phone.

"There is a hotel on top of this island highest peek bring the octopus and 2 students. the shortest boy and girl all within the next 4 hour. this should go without saying but any outside contact is against the negotiation. and if that happens I wonder what would become of your students."

a crackle was heard from the opposite side of the room, the crackle belongs to (f/n). "you talk big for someone who won't come down from their high horse and face us personally"

"ahh, it seems you have a tough one over there, change of plans you will bring her as...beep beep beep" the connection went out.

(f/n) pov

"That bastard is dreaming if he thinks I will go up there without resistance." My head is spinning and dark spots cover my vision.

Feeling a lump against my throat, I made a dash to the nearest trash can.
I coughed up something. Either it was my lunch or its blood and air.

"(F/n) you should lie down" Nagisa had concern written all over his face.

"Shut up, no matter how you look at it, its just food poisoning," I responded along with a second round of vomit.

"That some tough words coming from someone on her way to deaths doors" Karma added.

"Oh haha," I snorted wiping my mouth and heaving. " I'm going to..." I didn't finish the sentence when I felt a heavy blow to the back of my neck. before losing my conscious I looked up and cursed him.

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