Part 64

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The principal, Matsukata, has been discharged from the hospital and is now walking back to his school with the help of a cane, while Koro-sensei helped him with his stuff in his human disguise.

"I can't thank you enough for letting us do this." Korosensei graciously thanked him. "We truly appreciate it."

"Anything to help kids become more well-rounded I suppose, how can a fellow educator say no to that" Matsukata responded.

They arrived in front of the school, "I hope that wooden shack hasn't collapsed under the weight of those brats. Hmm?" He looks at the newly transformed school, gaping in awe. "WHAT IN GOD'S NAME HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SCHOOL!!"

"A place built with trees straight from the mountains in which E-Class owns; this was once a cramped and humble preschool building..." Koro-sensei, opening the door from him. "But what's this? An elegant and open multi-purpose space."

Matsukata looks around, asking, "how in the... they did this in only two weeks?"

"Computerized calculations guarantees a sturdy design. New pillars now firmly hold up the near-crumbling main building."

"Our calculations were drawn from architecture from all over the world!" Ritsu smiles.

"Yet there was still a miscalculation..." (f/n) muttered as Ritsu pouts.

"The second floor is divided into two beautifully functional rooms. One, a library where the children can read in comfort."

"It's a simple design, but we could only do so much," Chiba explains.

Yada and Kurahashi take out a book each from the shelves, saying, "Addition to a particularly generous donation, we were able to collect many children's books throughout the neighborhood."

"right... generous donation...more like a raid." (f/n) scowls at the memory of them 'stealing' her books.

"It's for a good cause, besides its just children's books," Karma pats her head. "you don't read them anymore."

"You're enjoying this aren't you." (f/n) grumbles, he just shrugs.

Korosensei then opens up another door. "The room across is an indoor playground. Careful placement of netting and foam mats to ensure safety. And protected by a weather treated roof, the equipment won't erode from exposure to the elements."

"I don't believe it" the principal continues gaping.

"Come take a look at the garage." Isogai smiles, leading him outside.

"We have a garage now?" He walks out and turns a corner, gasping.

"Goodness gracious! The illustrious tech squad has completely remodeled the principal's bicycle, whose front wheel got banged up in the accident. Once an ordinary conveyance is now an ultra-safe, high-load-bearing, electric three-wheeler."

Ritsu shows the whole plan of it, explaining, "The rotating jungle gym is linked to a battery charger. The bike was designed to draw most of its power from that kinetic energy."

"In other words, the more children play, the more they'll help their beloved principal get from point a to point b."

"Hooray for science" (f/n) mutters only to cringe and pretend to puke. "ugh I'm starting to sound like the old hag."

'who are you calling old hag I'll have you know, I died at 20 years and 72 months old.' Her mom screamed into her ears.

"This is too perfect!" The principal yells, looking at the smiling E-Class students. "You've kids have gone above and beyond—it's actually a little creepy!"

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