Extra: Part 2

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(A/n): Day of the wedding.


"You look nice today," Karma compliments his sister moments before entering the hall.

"Just today? I look good every day." (f/n) scoffs keeping her face still, making sure the bridal train does not fall off. "Also who picked this horrendous looking dress."

"It was Ms. Asano," Karma responds.

"Is that why it's so stiff, I feel like I'm going to suffocate in this thing. Who in their right mind would agree to wear this?" (f/n) continues to complain. "My shoulders are showing."

"Oh no your shoulders are showing, how indecent!" He said rolling his eyes.

"I wanted my wedding dress to be black."

"Who wears black on their wedding day." Karma retorts.

(F/n) woke up each day with an excruciating headache for the past months and no amount of meditation in the dream realm can relieve her pain. If she knew her mother-in-law would be this hardcore, (f/n) wouldn't have bothered sharing her opinions for her own wedding. In the end, (f/n) was dragged everywhere while her mother-in-law made all the decisions.

"Traitor. You could've at least picked a shorter bridal train." She cursed at her brother. "Now it's going to get dirty. I dont need people stepping on it."

Bells ringing

"Oh, thank goodness, I would've lost it if I had to hear any more complaints from you." Karma sighs as the doors open. "Well after today you're no longer my responsibilities."

While walking down the aisle Karma and (f/n) continue to chatter unbeknownst to their guest, as millions of flower petal rain down from the ceiling.

"He's gotta be crazy to willingly let a demon into his family."

"Who are you calling a demon?" (f/n) spoke still keeping her perfect smile. "But it's not like he ever had a choice to begin with."

"I almost feel bad for him," He comments. "Unfortunately, my sanity comes first.

Karma soon reached Gakushu and before he allows him to take his sister's hand, he gave him smiles. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this day. Ms. Satan here is all yours, take care Sacrifice. Oh, and no refund."

(F/n) giggles before taking Gakushu's hand.

"I'm watching you." Karma gave Gakushu a final warning before leaving to the side.

Sighing he turns his head towards his bride, walking her the rest of the way, up the platform. "You look... uncomfortable." He finally spoke.

"Thank you for noticing." (f/n) replies. "how long did you suffer."

"3 hours," He said.

"What?" (f/n) gasps quietly. "You took longer than me?"

Gakushu turns his head also confused.

"I only took an hour" That was a lie, it was two.

"At least the time wasn't wasted for you. I, on the other hand, look ridiculous." Gakushu sighs.

Because Gakushu's mother was so overbearing, (f/n) retaliated by hiring her own officiant behind her back with the help of dear father-in-law. *cough* through blackmailed *cough*

Isogai stood in front, smiling to greet his former classmate and current friend as their officiant. "How did I let you talk me into this?"

(f/n) just smiles then turned to greet her bridesmaid, Kayano. Next to Kayano stood Nagisa who somehow was talked into wearing the same bridesmaid dress as Kayano. "It's good to see some things never change, you look great Nagisa (lol)."

"I don't feel great" Nagisa mutters embarrassingly.

"Don't sweat the details. Here, hold this for me." (f/n) handed him her bouquet then faced front just as Gakushu finished greeting his best man.

"Blah blah blah, I wasn't paid enough for this..." Isogai mutters while skimming through the speech, his eyes soon lit up when he found what he was looking for. "Now will the couple join hands and share the vows the two have written for each other."

Gakushu turned to face his bride, "In this life never have I met a person like you, and I swear, your existence to me is far from healthy. 'Pathetic', was the word you told upon first meeting, and afterward time and time again you never fail to irritate me. That was ten years ago, and I have to say you still piss me off. But look at us now, standing here about to be married. I stand here like many others in this room wondering how in the world you talked me into this." He paused then shook his head. "Putting all that immature feelings aside, I truly do love you and till death do us part... I will be there right beside you."

(F/n) smiles warmly towards his speech and the people on stage could've sworn she blushed as well. "The first half was nicely composed, the second half however was... lame."

"My mother put me up to it."

"Is that so..." Well, you're not alone. (F/n) thought to herself. "I couldn't ask for a better rival, to be honest. Sure there are probably others who are smarter or more athletic... but I could care less about those faceless humans."

Then proceeds to sigh, thinking back to when her mother invaded her dreams the night before..."To take my heart is your greatest sin and in return your life is mine. Our happiness intertwined, our love is eh, complicated. I too promise to always be there for you 'til the last of our breath."

"Poetic," He compliments. "how long did it take you to come up with it."

A glint of light flashed across (f/n)'s eyes as she recalls the day of their junior high graduation. Those words were the exact same she had once used to tease him. 'I can't believe he is this petty, holding grudges since way back then.'

Quickly composing herself she smirks. "No time at all...You're looking at a genius after all."

Gakushu smirks back, "Ah yes, the farthest thing from perfection."

(F/n) internally gawked at him, not believing the audacity this guy has right now. Absolutely speechless.

"Even though I have zero authority here... I now pronounce you husband and wife." Isogai declares. "You may now kiss the bride."

The audience roared with applause as the wedded couple kissed.


During the after-party. No co-workers or parents. Just a few close friends.

"Wait! you two forgot the rings!!" Kayano started panicking, fumbling with the ring in her hand. "I so sorry (f/n), I forgot."

"I was hoping we didn't have to do it," (f/n) cringed then glared at whoever reminded them. "but someone just had to snitch."

"no time like the present, encore." Karma cheers. "give us another exchange of vows."

"Alright fine, who has the ring?" He said finally agreeing to the pestering.

(F/n) also rolled her eyes, and then stood in front of Gakushu. He took her right hand.

"must I say those cheezy words again?" He asked and much to his disappointment his former classmates all immediately screamed yes! "Fine, fine. (f/n) Akabane, I hate you but whatever." He slips on the ring.

"Yeah yeah," She replies playfully then also places a ring on him. "And I spent one whole dollar on this ring, to show how much you're worth to me."

"Oh burn."

(F/n) laughed before giving Gakushu a hug, releasing him after giving him a wink. He looks down and there it is, a metal chain with the diamond ring hanging from his neck.

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