too many cheetahs (tanks for 3oo reds ;))

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it was late and the gang were all watching tv.

suddenly ponyboy smirked, thinking of a funny joke.

hey darry

darry looked, what

why don't they play poker in the jungle

johnny spoke up, ponyboy pls no

pony nO

ponyboy leaned close to daryl ear, a gin bigger then his ass

too many cheetachs

then they all died at the bad joke the end.


my new book is terrible

soda raised a eyebrow, seeing as pony loved gone with the wind

not only that but it is terrible.

soda groaned,

im gonna go kms see ya

darry knocked down the door with big buffy armys

noT In mY ChiSTian HouSEholD PepSI


ponyboy got home from his job at the bankes

hey kid steve said

pony smirked devislishy

i got fired at my job at the bank today

what why, steve said 

but it was to late for steve

An old lady came in and asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

steve cried as pony got pushed over and called the popo sayin he was abused

the end.


pony thought in his brains

i like to spend every day as if its my last

darry entered with a pudding sayin

quiet making me get you pudding you fuckin shit

pony smirked out loud,

Staying in bed and calling for a nurse to bring me more pudding.


i was sittin in traffic the other day two bit said

dally didnt care

probably why i got run over

dally was silently praying he'd get hit again until ponyboy sandal flew by his face and hit bit

don't steal jokes thot


okay im done i hate myself


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