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July 26, Resembool

Everyday in the countryside was the same. Everything seemed to stay untouched , just like time didn't had any effect on that place

Even the clouds I looked before I fell asleep though the window, were in the same position when I got up the next day. I guess, time does goes slower when we walk in the roads that always lead us home, and we have always walked together, the three of us: 

- UHUH! I hate school, it's just some boring stuff I already know!- I said with a annoyed face 

- That's because you're a genius brother! Mom says your're going to be one of the greatest alchemists ever, and I believe too!

- Thanks Al! But we are going to be both great alchemists, the best team ever!- I said with a big smile on my face, while Winry watched us with a admiration, tender look in her sky blue eyes.

- You guys are so intelligent! Actually there are somethings at school I don't quite understand, but you know it all! How do you do that?

 Me and Al looked at each other- We had no ideia. We usually just read some books and practiced alchemy sometimes. Well, obviously we were pros in that subject , and it was all natural talent running in our vains.

You might call me arrogant, and with all reason. Alchemists are arrogant. Having the power to create things is a god like power. You can repair broken stuff and mold the reality according with that's best for you. And that's the greatest gift and fatality of alchemy- You think you can play god. But you can't 

- Well, because we ACTUALLY study instead of doing some AUTOMAIL, right AL!?

- EI! Automail it's not stupid Ed, it helps a lot of people!

- YEAH! But can you create new things and shape them? That's really more useful after all! Don't you think mechanic nerd?!

-REALLY?! YOU WANNA BET ED!?- Man, I can't still bealive I didn't saw that one coming since Al started laughing and Winry made a sudden movement which hit my arm. By the time I realized, I was sitting on the lake under the bridge on our way to school, all soaked. Winry and Al could't handle that much fun, while I called all the curses in the world upon them.

- WELL, It seems like your alchemy didn't help this time Edward! HAHAHAHAH!!!!

- Sorry Winry, I really didn't mean it! Can you forgive me?

- Sure silly, just get up already, we're going to be late for class!- It was time for my revenge. Winry gave me her hand and I grabbed her's in return. But, instead of pulling myself up, I pushed her back to the ground with me, to the the swampy lake.




Al really didn't seemed to care as he smiled happily- Just another day... he must have thought. I really don't blame him. It must be funny watching me running for my life followed by a crazy girl shouting and hitting me with a screwdriver in the head. That day, we arrived earlier at school.

School had just finished and we were wet and starving, so we decided head to the river to eat some lunch

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School had just finished and we were wet and starving, so we decided head to the river to eat some lunch. Winry had brought a delicious apple pie, and I could smell it from miles away:

- HURAY PIE!!!!!

- Well, I don't know if I should give a slice to you Ed... since this pie comes from my knowledge as a automail mechanic... but Al can have it for sure!

Great, just great. Winry was definitely teasing me and taking her revenge. Damn you, equivalent exchange was the only thing I could think at that moment. If that hasn't already bad, Al had just gain a point in the "Who's gonna marry Winry" contest while I was sitting here like a fool as I thought to myself:

I can't believe I have to apologize to her. Well, Ed you got this, the pie is worth it

- Winry, look, I...- She somehow had read my mind, and smiled at me, giving me a slice.

- Take it silly! I was just kidding! What about this... I'll be the best mechanic, and you'll be the best alchemist so we can go travelling around the world saving lives together! What you think Ed!- I don't really know why but I was blushing pretty hard. 

- Yeah... of course... thanks- I said shyly taking the marvelous pie in my hands.

 But it was just I temporary state, as I smiled slightly at her. Something bad was about to come, but I couldn't control myself. You must get this: My sense of teasing is stronger that me, I know:

- But you know Winry... with alchemy you can build those automails more quickly, ya know? She had a wondering look on her face. - That means you can save time to don't be such a idiot at school!

Al looked at me and I looked back at him as we thought-we better start running.


- AUTOMAIL NERD, AUTOMAIL NERD LALALALA!!!!!- Me and Al had never had such a good time running, really


- Brother you think she can hit us in the head at this distance?

- No way, But we have to keep running Al, come on!

- No way, But we have to keep running Al, come on!

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Once again, we ran as fast as we could tough the way back home, me and Al laughing and breaking the silence of that peaceful place. We truly loved that girl, and that day, we promised to each other we would protect her with our lives. 

We are friends, but most than that we're family. We were the only thing that changed in that green, quiet place. However, our brotherhood was still the old, genuine one, just like the clouds that never changed place, the trails that always lead us home and the familiar faces that waited our return with a heart full of love.

Edward Elric, A wrench tale 

Note: Lithium is the lightest and the densest solid element in the universe. In contact with air it loses it's shine and adquires a corroded aspect with silver stains all over it. Lithium is present in low quantities as a compost of the human body itself.

Thank you for reading! Please comment your opinion, and see you in a new chapter soon!

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