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October 5, Resembool

Mother nature sure is unpleasant sometimes. Although that, we learned that everything has a reason and the energy must flow in it's own way. It's the law of the universe, the one we can't change as ordinary human, because we are a part of that flow, and so are the lightnings.

To make yourself clear, lightnings aren't a big deal for me, it was Al the one who was scared of them. Wherever there was a storm he would hid under bed shaking with fear.

- Don't be a coward Alphonse! It's not like it's going to burn down our house, ok? We are safe here!

- Are you sure brother? I think it's kinda of scary...

- Don't you see Al? That is happening is direct demonstration of Nature's own alchemy! Energy turns into light and then it turns into wind! It's amazing if you think!

- I guess... still, every time it strikes seems like is going to fall right on my head!- Al said as he gestured and pointed at his head with his eyes closed which was hilarious to watch.

- Jeez, Grow up already Al!

- Oh come on brother...! Can I sleep with you, please? Just until the storm is over!

I was about to give Al some crappy answer like " People who like milk don't belong on my bed, you childish moron!" when suddenly I had a bright ideia. Really, I don't want to boast myself, but I was a science prodigy in my early days, so I usually spent hole nights reading those alchemy books which belonged to my father.

 Really, I don't want to boast myself, but I was a science prodigy in my early days, so I usually spent hole nights reading those alchemy books which belonged to my father

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It was so fun! I loved those draws and transmutation circles, hidden behind all those symbols and codes. It was like a puzzle: you had to interpret and decipher it to understand the bigger picture. Because of that I remembered something:

- Ei, Al listen to me! I have an ideia!- I said as I claped at the same I saw the lighting come. Al looked at me quite worried * Is my brother ok? I mean he's claping out of nowhere, that a nerd* Al must had thought for sure.

- See? The thunder sounded minutes after the light which means... the storm's center is really far away from us! You can clap to count the time difference!

- Really? Wait... have you been reading those science books at night again Ed?

- WHAT!? NO WAY... What are you talking about?... you don't trust my science skills brother!? What a horrible thing to say Alphonse!

- OH Brother... You're hopeless! You know have to sleep! Otherwise...

- OTHERWISE WHAT!?- Al has preparing himself for the impact of my rage, since he had shut his eyes like a explosion was about to blow.

- If you don't sleep, you're going to be small forever!... sorry brother it was needed to be said!


- Ok...! Sorry... Please calm down! Don't you understand Ed? You're so intelligent! I want to be just like you! And I can't do that if you don't share anything you know with me! Just give me some books, so I can be a wise and cool alchemist too, all right!?

My mouth was wide open. I never realized before how much Alphonse looked up to me as a model to follow. Actually, I always thought he looked at him in a much different perspective, like: " My brother is nuts! It's better for the well-being of my mind to be far away from him!".

Guess not. He just wanted to be like me, he admired me enough to have the will to share his path along side mine, and I couldn't bealive it. "What have I done to get so much admiration from him?" I thought as I said

-So, are you still afraid Al?- Alphonse had a bright smile on his face as he clapped joyfully, joining his palms, like he has praying to some god

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-So, are you still afraid Al?- Alphonse had a bright smile on his face as he clapped joyfully, joining his palms, like he has praying to some god.

- Nicely done Al! Wait... what is that...Are you praying to god or something?

- Can't you see brother? It's a sign of respect... you know... respect for the energy that flows in the sky, in yourselves, right? You told me that once!

- That's right! See, you're not so dumb after all!- I laughed

- Really brother? Can't you be nice just once?- Al was smiling at me- Can I ask you something else Ed?

- Yeah, What is it?

- What do I do if the storm comes closer ?- I smiled from my bed looking at him with a lovely expression on my face. I couldn't live without that little dork, so I promised myself I would protect him, carrying him through every storm, and every pain at all costs . We would face it together, until the sky turned clean blue.

- Well... in that case... You can come over here sleep with me!- Al was really surprised.

- Really? You don't mind if I do?

- Well... Ya know, If you start snoring like a pig I assure you I'll kick you out right away!

-  Of course I know brother... I wouldn't expected anything different from you!...Of course I do...

It didn't took much time for Al to fall asleep since the storm calmed down. When he did, I covered him with his blankets and watched him. " Really Al? Who were you praying to ? Tell me, I want to know... It's the truth? The world? God? Whatever, never mind. I'll pray to someone, to something to be always beside you. Sleep well my brother, I'm here whatever you need me.

Edward Elric, Lighting prayers 

Note: Carbon was one of the very firsts elements to be discovered, since it was already known by the ancients. It's the fourth most random element in the universe, and it's present in all life formes, being the second most abundant compost of the human body. It's considered the basic element of life.

Tanks for reading this chapter! If you're wondering why this theme for my one shot, it's because I remember in one episode Ling saying that Ed looked like he was praying when he made a transmutation! Hope you liked, By by!

Book 1: " And yet, It goes around" [FMA One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now