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1 of January, Resembool

Seeing her, at the top of the hill extending the clothes, while her light brown hair and white apron  floated away, at the sound of the wind and of the flying spring birds, is the picture I most remember and I see on my every dream.

Seeing her, at the top of the hill extending the clothes, while her light brown hair and white apron  floated away, at the sound of the wind and of the flying spring birds, is the picture I most remember and I see on my every dream

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- You boys learned all that by yourselves? You're really your father's sons!- she smiled

- Aren't you angry? We scratched transmutation circles on the floor...sorry mom...- Al said while I was with a "sorry" look on my face as well.

- Not a little! They're so pretty! Just promise me the next time, you will tell me and draw them on paper! You want some, my little men?

- YES, PLEASE!- That's how it begun our incessant alchemy training to improve more each day in order to see her smile. 

- Ed, I can't get this right! I followed every rule! Why it doesn't work?

- You dummy, you forgot the square to concentrate the flow of energy! Haven't you learned nothing!

- Of course not! I read like twenty books per day! You expect me to remind everything!?

- I CAN! WHY CAN'T YOU! - I said as I hit Alphonse in the head with one book

- EI ED! STOP IT!- Suddenly I stopped. I had a very admired look on my face. Al looked at me quite confused with all that * Did he actually listened to me? No way, impossible*

- Look, Al you created a little wood  bird! See?- Al was so amused that he couldn't stop smiling at me

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- Look, Al you created a little wood  bird! See?- Al was so amused that he couldn't stop smiling at me. I looked proudly at him with a big smile

- Well, I guess hitting that head with some books really works! You have some talent there little moron!- I said while I petted Al in the head

- Thank you so much bother! Now, let's keep on studding, right Ed?

- YOU BET! after all I already know how to make a paper plane... so you have to caught up to me!

In the other side of the door, Mom was smiling with sparkling eyes, like she was seeing her most happy times happening all over again in front of her eyes, but with a new light.

- Woau! a wood bird and a paper plane! How beautiful! It takes some real talent to create something so pretty! - Mom said as she walked in the room hugging us

- Thanks Mom! Can we do something for you?- Mom smiled at Alphonse. But it was a different smile: it was cold, and distant, a little sad maybe...

- I would love a posy ...pink and while flowers are my favorite...But, I guess that's really difficult to do! For now, I'll take this precious birds with me, can I? 

  - Of course!- Mom took our birds so carefully, that almost seemed like she was afraid they would fall of the nest and break a wing. Before she exited the room she looked back at me with a tender expression.   

- I really proud of you, Edward! You'll be a great alchemist! You know why? Because you have a very unique way of showing love to the others... I'm sure they'll see how great you are!

- What do you mean mother... I don't understand...

   - Please, remember this Edward: Sometimes the hardest way is the right one to chose , so always keep true to yourself and protect the people who truly love you like you are. If you do that... you'll be able to overcome your fears and have a strong heart!  

 She petted me in the head with all the love in this world and I smiled to her

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 She petted me in the head with all the love in this world and I smiled to her. In the other day, she left by the morning without saying anything. I made her the most beautiful posy wrench and I gave it to her...but you didn't hugged me this time... But don't worry, it's fine.

I'll do as you told me and I'll find my place in this world... you're always with me, right? In the rain that falls upon my skin, in the ray of sun that guides my way, so I have nothing to fear. But, I miss you... please come back to me

Edward Elric, I kept a tear on my pocket 

Note: Fluorine it's a yellowish-green gas with a strong, irritating and toxic odor. It's the most abundant element on eath witch can be found in many minerals such as fluorite, for example. 

I'm sorry if this chapter is too sad! I thought it was really important to include this part of the history since it changed Ed's life completely and made him the person he is today.Don't worry! The next and last chapter of the first part of Ed's diary will be more fun! * Izumi Curtis is coming hahaha* (spoiler)

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, it really means a lot to me.

Book 1: " And yet, It goes around" [FMA One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now