"Abigail Marie Newman. You will sit here and listen to me." The girls mother shouted at her. The 18 year old was ready to pick up her bags and leave.
"You have to be a doctor. You need to make money and have a good future. We're not gonna let you sit here and ruin your life going for a career that is pointless and unnecessary. If not that, unattainable."The mother shouted once again
"I don't want to be a doctor! I hate blood and vomit and germs and just ew. All of it is gross. I've told you this so many times! What don't you understand! And also becoming a Director is very necessary, and has many available positions. I want to make movies. And if you care so much about money, directors often times make a 6 figure salary." The girl said with tears streaming down her face.
"Directing is not a job for females. I bet you can't even name a single female director nominated for any sort of award." A stout man echoed in the room.
The girl rolled her eyes before sharply responding.
"You're correct, I can actually name 5 who have been nominated for an academy award. Lina Wermüller, Jane Campion, Sofia Coppola, Kathryn Bigelow, and Greta Gerwig. And it's incredibly sexist of you to say it's not a female job."
"Abigail, this isn't up for debate. You start your studies of medicine tomorrow." The two elders walked out of the house and the girl ran to a bed room at the end of the hall.
She began to grab clothes out of her drawers and stuffed them into a big duffel bag. She finally grabbed her camera and laptop. She looked around the room and began walking to the front door. Her eyes were tired and puffy from crying. Her short light brown hair was knotty from how much she had been pulling on it. She was wearing a nice sweater dress and a scarf. She had just gotten back from a late lunch with her parents and her moms boss. She ran out the door when she thought about what tomorrow would hold if she stayed.
She got a taxi to Suburban station. She was going to miss Philly a lot but she had to go. She couldn't stay here and have all of her future chosen for her. She wanted to go out and live how she wanted. She walked swiftly through the large station and thought about how accepting her aunt has always been about her dreams of directing. So that's where she was going.She took the 4:11 train to Thorndale.

The 4:11 Train
FanfictionTrain Number 9547 boarded at 4:11 A girl got on the train to escape her parents pressure A boy got on the train to escape his superstar reputation It was a train ride to remember Began writing: March 6th Began publishing: March 10th Finished writ...