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The sun had begun rolling behind the mountains, the light was receding from every corner, casting shadows everywhere in sight. All the peacefulness and beauty of day was now being replaced by the terrifying oncoming wall of night. The atmosphere was becoming eerie as if you could feel eyes watching your every move. It wasn't safe, darkness was the time where all the horrifying creatures came crawling from all directions in search of something to kill.

Leaves continuously crunched beneath the feet of a young elleth, who's strides were quite long and swift for someone that small. The adrenalin surged throughout her body, coursing through her veins...she was being hunted. It was dark now, and unfortunately there wasn't a clear path in sight. There was nothing she could possibly do except run away as fast as her legs could carry her.

Her arms pumped, her lungs huffed, and her heart raced. There were giant spiders after her, about five or six all going for one small meal. Lúthien was rather light on her feet for a little elfling, but the spiders were much larger then she was and moved more quickly. She could hear their long legs crawling, pounding rapidly against the ground not far behind her. The only thing that was keeping her going was pure fear alone.

Lúthien was running so fast, she didn't even realize that there was an oncoming branch ahead of her. She ran full speed towards it, knocking herself over, lying there on her back. Her head throbbed in pain and was temporarily in a haze. But she then remembered the spiders that were after her, and she urged herself to stand up and to keep on running. When she stood, she was so dizzy that she couldn't even walk straight. Lúthien stumbled towards a tree for support, there was no way that she was going to make it out alive.

There was a loud SNAP!!! Which was followed by a sharp hissing sound, that was coming from above her. When she looked up, a large black from lunged towards her from a branch, sending her tumbling down a steep hill. Lúthien rolled for which felt like an eternity, hitting rocks and sticks, until finally she ended up in a pile of mud.

She had the air knocked out of her lungs, which left her wheezing for each breath she took. Tears were flooding from her eyes and she couldn't even scream because she was struggling to even breathe. But when she looked up, there was a visible light coming from behind the trees, he eyes was a torch!!! There were people nearby! They could help!

With hope filling her little heart, she willed herself to rise once again and started for the flickering flame in the distance. Quickly she limped towards the reassuring light up ahead, she was going to make it out alive after all!

"Help!" she attempted to scream "Spiders! There are spiders coming!!!!" she was in so much distress she swore she could feel a panic attack coming. "Please! Someone!!! Help!!" Lúthien cried again and again

The closer she got, the more she realized where she was headed. Lúthien could see the bridge and the huge gates which stood enormously tall. She was approaching the Palace of the Great Elven King, Thranduil. The two guards who were posted outside heard her calls for help, in which they called for back up. Five more elves came rushing through the gates, with bows and arrows in hand, each aiming in her direction.

When she made it towards the bridge, she had fallen on her face, but began crawling towards the elven guards. The spiders attempted to claim their meal, but they didn't stand a chance against the forest guards. They had been shot down easily, with no hesitation what so ever.

"You there! Rise! Keep your hands in the air or you'll meet the same fate as those filthy spiders!" One elf yelled, loading another arrow and aiming it at her. Lúthien was terrified, she had originally thought that they would give her sanctuary, but they were threatening to kill her! After she heard what that elf said, she began thinking quickly

"Nalfir! No she's just a child!" another said, trying to stop him

"She could be a child spy!"

"She's elven see! Look at her ears!"

She wasn't listening to them trying to work things out, it was either her or them. Young Lúthien turned towards the edge of the bridge, hearing the river rushing beneath it. She couldn't see it, but she knew it was there. The sound of the surging water was terrifying, but not nearly as terrifying as dying.

"One..." she began counting down

"Wait is she going to jump!?"


"She'll never survive!"

"Hey! Step away from there!!!" One of the guards started running towards her

"Three!" Lúthien closed her eyes and leaped, leaving the guards on the bridge

"No No No! Don't!" He reached out his arm, trying to grab hold of her, but he had missed

All she could feel was the cold engulfing her entire body, sending chills up her spine. Lúthien held her breath as the water began pushing her further and further away. When she resurfaced, after taking gasp of air, she could hear the guards' voices becoming fainter and fainter the farther she floated down stream. The strong force of the river, kept pulling her under, holding her beneath the surface for long periods of time. She did everything she possibly could to try and take just one more breath of air. But it seemed pointless...and soon everything began fading away.

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