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"DAMMIT" i heard natalie yell over the headset i had placed around my head, resting on my ears.

"SH!T NAT HOWD YOU DO THAT" i said back as i relaxed my back into my chair.

we were now on hour 4 of playing fortnite.

"F**K..,,,,I DONT KNOW WOLFHARD LEAVE ME ALONE." she laugh screamed. she then paused and sighed.

"we were so close to another victory royale and i ruined it." she finally said pouting.

"i know i know it's okay. next time nat" i replied exiting the game, still leaving nat on the headset to talk.

"you know......" i said. 'i really like you' i thought to myself. but i forsure didn't say that out loud to her.

"i'm hungry" is what i said. what am i even saying anymore? how do i keep holding this in? i cant tell her.

"sammeee. i want cereal but i don't want to get up." she answered sighing. i heard her exit the game as well.

i rolled my chair over to my window, and pushed back my curtains. there it revealed a girl across the street, sitting in pajamas in front of a tv screen.

there was natalie anne hill.

always you | finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now