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"wyatt, will you stop waving the curly fries in front of my mouth, i don't want them." i said while pushing away wyatt's hand.

"natalie, you know you want the curly fries, so stop denying it." he pushed one into my mouth. as i chewed i realized i did want the fries. they were pretty good.

"fine oleff, i want the curly fries." i replied while grabbing a fry, and placing it in my mouth.

after we ate we decided to go back into disneyland/california adventure since we had season passes... we avoided the long line and stood in the short 'season pass' line and got bag checked.

"disneyland day 2!!!!!!" jaeden screamed jumping all over the place.

"today is california adventure day!!!!!- well night." i said while jumping around as well. i love disneyland a little too much.

i jumped on jaedens back until we reached thunder mountain railroad. i love this ride. we paired up in twos, and waited in the long line.

"wanna ride together nat?" jaeden asked me looking at the ground.

"of course." i answered smiling at him.

as we waited in line trying to count the pennies in the small pond by the ropes, and playing i spy (yeah that's right i spy) we finally reached the top of the line. i clicked the tip of my vans waiting impatiently, i just love this ride.

always you | finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now