❄️ Chapter 1 ❄️

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Streaks of sunlight swept across the stone floor through gaps in the leaf-covered window.

It was 8:00am. They were going to be late for class on the third day of school. Great.

"Qibli! Get up!" Winter stood over the sleeping SandWing, vigorously shaking his shoulder, "We are going to be late!"

Qibli groaned. "Yesterday you didn't even want to be here and now you're waking me up early? Do IceWings sleep at all?"

In fact, Winter still did not want to be here. "My entire reputation will be ruined if we are late! Princes are never late. If I ever turned up five minutes late for a royal gathering, Queen Glacier would've sent me straight to the Seventh Circle!" That's what this school was missing; a little bit of order and real punishment. It's what made the Ice Kingdom and the IceWings the best tribe in Pyrrhia.

"Geez, your life is sad," Qibli smirked while gradually getting off his bed. Winter, however, was already at the door ready to leave without him if he didn't hurry up.

"Moonwatcher, which tribe was initially allied with the SeaWings during the Great SandWing Succession?" Webs' boring voice asked.

"The MudWings," Moon answered simply, her teardrop scales glittering in the sunlight. How did she know that? She lived in the Rainforest her whole life, surrounded by brainless RainWings.

Winter sat by himself at the back of the History classroom examining his classmates in front of him. Qibli, Umber and Turtle were up the front. They were all practically asleep. Moon sat beside Kinkajou who was pestering Carnelian about "the notorious" Queen Scarlet. The SkyWing just ignored her and with an annoyed expression upon her face. (The same expression that she always wore on her face.)

Moon turned around suddenly and caught Winter's eye. She smiled warmly. Stunned, Winter didn't know how to react. He told himself was probably just trying to get close to him to steal IceWing secrets. Ain't gonna happen, NightWing!

Instead, Winter decided it was best to hatefully stare back at her. Moon looked slightly hurt by this but covered it up immediately and turned away.

Stop feeling guilty, he told himself.

Winter met up with Icicle during lunch and listened to her complain about her "stupid" clawmate. "I was even thinking about drawing a line across the middle of the room so silly little Sora can't put her muddy, grubby talons all over my private property!" He had completely zoned out at this point.

As much as Winter cared about her, Icicle could be very dramatic sometimes.

Shouts and laughter echoed from all corners of the eating hall as Winter glanced over at the rest of the Jade Winglet sitting together joking with eachother and having fun. He had an empty feeling inside which he tried to get rid of, but couldn't. It's not like I'm feeling left out. Am I?

"So, what's the deal with that NightWing in your group?" Icicle asked. The mention of Moon immediately caught Winter's attention.

"Oh... ummmmm," he didn't know what to say. He thought she was smart, kind and pretty but he couldn't say that to Icicle.

"The one in my winglet is dumb," she sneered. Icicle enjoyed talking rubbish about other dragons, "He couldn't tell his left talon from his right. I'm guessing the girl is the same -"

"Moon isn't dumb!" Winter interrupted loud enough for the SandWings nearby them to hear. He cursed himself immediately for saying that. Stupid Winter! Why would you say that? Why why why?!

"Moon?" Icicle laughed, "what kind of name is that?"

"I know right," Winter said completely untruthfully. What is wrong with me?

What would Mother and Father think of this? If they knew about my behaviour recently, they would send me straight home. I would be punished for life. Even though I'd rather be anywhere but here, I couldn't bare to see their disappointed faces again.

A/N: Hello fabulous readers! If you are enjoying this story so far please remember to vote and comment because I would love to hear your thoughts.

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