❄️ Chapter 15 ❄️

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Once the Jade Winglet were only a few minutes from landing in the Rainforest, it finally sunk in what Winter got himself into. He was disobeying Tsunami and the other dragonets of destiny, going behind his family's backs and trusting a group of weird, insane creatures from other tribes just to rescue his sister, who could be mind-controlled and currently hates him!

What if their mission failed? What if Moon was right and that letter was faked? What if he was leading his friends into a trap? He had already let Carnelian down. That could definitely not happen again! Even though his winglet drove him crazy at times, he cared about them.

"We're going to be fine Winter," Moon came out of nowhere and touched Winter's shoulder. How did she know I was worried? I thought that rock was supposed to keep my thoughts private! She saw his confused expression. "You looked panicked," she explained with her talons in the air as if to say 'I'm innocent'.

Winter relaxed a little. "I guess I just don't wanna put you guys in danger. This is all my fault. Icicle is my problem after all. You shouldn't be helping me."

Moon glided alongside him. Her wing strokes slightly brushed Winter's. It was much too close for Winter's comfort, but he didn't pull away. His brain was screaming at him to get as far away from her as possible but his heart won the fight.

Moon looked deeply into his eyes. "You feel guilty, don't you, about... Carnelian? It's not your fault. Just because Icicle... did it, doesn't mean you could've done anything to stop her. I know you know what I'm going to say next. I've had nightmares about this rescue mission for the past month. I literally just delivered a prophecy! Did it mention your sister at all?"

Winter shook his head, seeing her point.

"Exactly, Icicle is only a small part of this disaster that we, all of us have to stop!"

"What if she isn't even on the NightWing island? What if I made a really stupid decision that could cost all of our lives?" Winter sighed. "I'm such a horrible brother. The old Icicle hates me and now she is being mind-controlled and now I probably won't even be able to save her!"

"And is that stopping you?" Moon asked. "She hates you, she killed one of our friends, she is currently who-knows-where, under some kind of mind control, and you are still trying to save her. Not because of some silly rank on a wall, not because it would make your parents happy. You're chasing a wild, dangerous prophecy to your sister because you care."

Moon just made a speech about how he shouldn't worry and how he shouldn't give up on his sister. Even though he used to be so awful to her, perhaps she didn't hate him. He had never, ever met anyone who would do that for him.

Winter smiled.

At that point they had landed in the Rainforest.

Winter knew he wasn't going to enjoy this place, but nothing had prepared him for what lies within the Rainforest. What kind of dragon would want to live in a place where you can't even walk ten metres in a straight line without tripping over or running into something?!

Kinkajou talked about her home like it was the most heavenly place on Pyrrhia! As if! The only dragons who agreed were Moon; because she's lived here her whole life, and Turtle; because he would agree with absolutely anything that Kinkajou says.

"How far until the Night Kingdom?" Winter asked, getting aggravated and bored.

"We are very close," Moon said, closing her eyes and listening to her surroundings.

"Calm down, Frosthead, enjoy the scenery!" Qibli twirled around dramatically and landed face-first in a pile of leaves. Winter smirked. "That was meant to happen!" Qibli yelled, his voice muffled on the ground.

"We don't have time to enjoy the scenery!" Winter screamed.

He began to walk off when something yanked on his tail and everyone went quiet. Moon pulled on his tail to stop him. She raised her claw to her mouth.

"Shhh! Someone's coming!"

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my best friend @JessieCreates. She has an awesome story that she just started writing about Turtle and Kinkajou. Let's go show her some love!

Thanks for reading my Wonderful Wattpadders!

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