🌙 Chapter 32 🌙

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"I'll be fine!" He said.

"But... my visions, they're getting worse. I can't help but worry! I'm that type of dragon Winter."

Winter held her talons tightly, his face riddled with calm and panic. "I worry too Moon. Trust me when I say I worry myself out of sanity. But sometimes a little bit of hope cancels it out. It keeps me going. I have to hope that everything's going to be okay. I have to hope that we can win and save our friends. I have to hope that you don't ever get hurt, whether it's by them.... or me."

Moon was breathless, her heart jumping out of her scales. "Promise me you'll come back?"

Winter frowned. "You know I can't promise anything. I-I uh, promised myself I would tell you if I ever got the chance. This might be my last..."

Moon's eyes widened. "What? Tell me what?"

Winter parted their talons, preparing for the battle ahead. "That I love you Moon."




"W-what?"Moon rubbed her sore eyes. Winter slumped back against the window, breathing a sigh of relief.

"You wouldn't respond. I've been shaking you for ages but you just wouldn't wake up!" He cried, broad daylight highlighting his overwhelmed expression. "It was like you were somewhere else."

She got to her feet, stretching her wings. Moon couldn't shake the feeling that dream had given her: a feeling she got rarely, but knew all too well.

"Winter, I think I just had another vision."


"Woah," Lynx breathed, flicking her spiky tail, "That sounds... not good. Are you sure?"

"Positive." Qibli said. Kinkajou had turned a cool blue colour to hide her fear. She almost looked like one of the IceWing guards. "Winter said you would know what to do. Is there any way you can help us?"

"Of course. I trust that prince with my life," Lynx said, with a thin, noble smile.

"We need to get into the palace and warn the Queen." Qibli explained, shivering as another cold breeze swept past. They were only at the Ice Kingdom border yet Qibli was already freezing into a popsicle. SandWings were not built for places like these.

Lynx nodded, "Glacier likes negotiation. She might just believe your story. As for getting in, I have an idea."

She glanced at Kinkajou's icy-coloured scales and nodded, self-confirming her idea.

"Here Qibli," she handed him a big, fur coat. "You might need this."


"Can you handle that?" The Master's gruff voice.

As if I have a choice, Turtle thought. "Yes. It won't be a problem sir."

"Don't let me down Turtle." He said, narrowing his black eyes, "Or I will make sure that you never see that little RainWing you are so in love with, ever again."

Turtle gulped. Did I make the right decision?


Winter brought his claw to his lips as they quietly climbed down from the healers hut.

It was still dawn so most of the village was still asleep including the queen and her bodyguard. Moon was so grateful for everything they had done for her and Winter, but she had to leave.

The Jade Winglet had a job to finish and a war to prevent.

Suddenly a talon grasped hold of Moon's ankle, yanking her back.

"Going somewhere?"

Winter sighed, "Stardust let her go."

"Without us?" The NightWing cried, releasing her grip on Moon.

"We're so offended!" Daze said.

"Take us with you!" Glaze begged.

Moon smiled. "Well come on."

"Yeah!" Daze yelled, "We're gonna smash the Master's face into the ground! Woo!"



Kinkajou shook out all her nerves. Here goes nothing.

The palace doors swung open, revealing the most elegant, royal room this little RainWing had ever seen. Glass chandeliers hung from the roof. Grand ice pillars rose from the floor to the impossibly high roof. A plush, silver carpet led from the door to the end of the hall where an expensive throne sat.

Kinkajou flared the ruff on her neck to look like spikes. She focussed on the pale blue colour of her scales. Wearing a smug, IceWing-like expression, she adjusted Lynx's First Circle necklace.

Queen Glacier towered over little Kinkajou with a sneer. Her jewels glitttered and eyes shone like diamonds. Getting into the palace dressed like this wasn't a problem, but the Queen could see right through Kinkajou.


Kinkajou let colour back into her scales and released the tension in her ruff. "Your majesty, you have to hear me out. The IceWings are in danger."


"You want a back up plan right?" Lynx asked, giving Qibli a serious look. "She will help you."

They had flown a little further past the palace and to a place the IceWings called the Diamond Caves. Some sacred trial was held there on occasion.

I will seriously never understand these dragons.

"Go ahead." She gave him a little nudge forward.

Qibli hugged his coat tight around his chest, clutching the spear in his free talon. Go in, find the NightWing, tap her with the spear and step back. Lynx had told him.

Icy stalactites hung from the ceiling threatening to fall on Qibli at any moment. The cavernous space had him in awe. Blue and light purple glowed from the ice walls.

After walking for what felt like hours, Qibli found himself in front of the scariest sight he had ever seen: An old female NightWing with one arm outstretched, her face contorted with hurt. Frost crackled all along her scales. She was frozen.

What Animus would do this? Who is this dragon? How can she help us?

With shaky breaths, Qibli pointed the tip of Lynx's Animus-touched spear to the NightWing's talon. He held back a scream as the frozen NightWing came to life, her eyes gaining colour and joints springing into action.

She smiled, "Three moons, I haven't seen a SandWing in centuries!"

"Sorry, what?" Qibli asked, keeping his distance.

"If you're not here for the trial, you must need something," the NightWing said, stretching her limbs. "My name is Foeslayer."

Qibli's eyes widened. "I've heard of you," he said slowly.

"I'm not surprised," Foeslayer rolled her dark eyes. "I was imprisoned two thousand years ago. The last IceWing told me I was quite famous actually. Now, what can I do for you strange SandWing?"

"I need something powerful. A weapon of somesort perhaps. Can you help?" He asked, praying to the moons that he hadn't awoken an ancient dragon for nothing.

Foeslayer sighed, a sad look in her eyes. "I think I know just what you need. But it's dangerous. There's no going back. Be warned SandWing, you are already in way over your head."

"Please Foeslayer. I need this," Qibli pleaded.

"The Sky Kingdom is where you will find it. You'll know it when you see it," Foeslayer explained, her voice full of caution. "A small, fragile, black scroll."

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