❄️ Chapter 16 ❄️

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Winter froze as Moon ushered him and the others behind a large bush that they could still see out of. Moon peered through the leaves at the three dragons that were bickering extremely loudly.

"Can you believe what that IceWing said to me?" One of the dragon's complained. IceWing? Winter's head perked up and he joined Moon, examining their company.

Winter could just make out three black shapes. NightWings. What are they doing so far out from their village? The two bigger NightWings were males and the last was a small female -around Moon's size - who had complained about an IceWing.

"She screamed at me that I was the size of a scavenger! Just because I'm fifteen, doesn't mean I have to be big and bulky!" The female shrieked. Honestly, Winter thought her fellow NightWings were quite intimidated by her. But the last thing she said really caught Winter's attention, "The Master's mind control has really gone too far!"

Winter gasped, about to jump out of that bush and attack the NightWings before Moon covered his mouth with her talon. It was a miracle that the NightWings hadn't heard him. Winter listened intently. They were in the right place! Icicle was surely close.

"Stardust if you say that in front of the Master you'll end up at the bottom of the volcano five minutes later!" one of the males said nervously. Stardust growled in reply.

Who was the 'Master?' Obviously, he was the dragon behind all of this. He was the mysterious evil that had captured and mind controlled his sister. With the help of some NightWings like Stardust.

"Come on guys, we're going to be late, again!" The other NightWing said hastefully, "The Master will not be pleased. I don't want to end up like Chaos."

"What happened to Chaos again?" Stardust asked almost sarcastically like she was just mocking the boys, "I know you and her were pretty close Daze."

Daze looked down at his talons. "She ended up at the bottom of the volcano. The Master didn't tolerate his 'employees' backchatting him, but Chaos, being... Chaos, talked back and got severely punished."

"She was a bit chaotic," The other NightWing jumped in, eager to join the juicy NightWing gossip. "R.I.P Chaos."

"Hey!" Daze suddenly said, startling Winter. Did he see them? "Stardust you were just trying to distract me by asking questions about the, was-going-to-be love of my life!" Stardust and the last dragon smirked. "And you too Glaze!" Glaze and Daze; they must be related. Winter could see the resemblance now. Maybe twins?

"Ok, we'd actually better go," Glaze said.

"Ugh fine!" Stardust groaned, "Come on losers!"

"You can't call us losers, we're your brothers!" Daze and Glaze said simultaneously. They disappeared behind a thicket of trees. The Animus-touched tunnel that Kinkajou was talking about must be over there somewhere. That's our gateway to my sister and to the Master.

The RainForest was beginning to grow darker. Winter didn't realise how late it was. He also didn't realise until now that he hadn't slept at all the last two days!

"We should sleep here for the night," Moon said, "Get some rest and then make a plan tomorrow."

"We can sleep in the trees!" Kinkajou squealed but Moon had to shush her. "Yay! Just like old times! It's SO GOOD to be home!" Moon smiled.

"Someone should keep watch at all times," Qibli said, "We're in dangerous territory now. I'll take first watch."

Moon nodded. "I'll go second."

"I'll take third," Winter declared. This was kind of what he was trained for as an IceWing; protecting the queen. But in this case protecting his friends.

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