Chapter 1: We Aren't What We Seem

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When the last angel falls the fight for mankind begins...

You could smell the cigarette smoke on her. It smelt almost as if she just got out of a smoking bar. But she looked as if she just walked out of a magazine with her pitch-black hair and electric blue eyes. She was thin but didn't look like she was starving herself to be skinny like most of the girls do now days. Her black leather jacket, dark washer jeans, and combat boots screamed dangerous. 

Her smile could stop a man's heart if she tried hard enough, but where's the fun in that? So, she decided a small smile and a little bit of giggles would make the man she was talking to stop. He could only stare at her; her beauty blinded him. Hiding the fact, he was about to die. Her name was Lucy Carson. And well I am Lucy Carson, that oh so beautiful girl. Well, I'm not a human girl, I'm a fallen angle. I fell when I was only 16 because of my father couldn't keep his pants on, my father is God and I never got to meet my mother.

The balance between good and evil, light and darkness, that's what I am to "protect". I just have to keep the balance. Little did I know that would be harder than I originally thought it would be. Damn me for making a fucking deal with my older brother. Hes always trying to ruin everything for everyone.

My wings only lost all of its feathers (most fallen angels wings get burned off when they fall to Earth) and then my wings grew feathers that were obsidian black. They blended into the black sky at night when I flew. A week after I fell, I couldn't satisfy my hunger. The hunger to kill no, the need to kill. I soon became my father's worst nightmare; I was a monster. I was the most powerful creature to ever walk in Heaven, Hell, and on Earth. I was the reason most people stayed in their homes at night, locking doors and their windows. 

The gods soon banned together and fought me, they did this because I could kill them all if I wanted to, but I wanted them to watch as I destroyed their planet. They realized that I was a monster, I lost most of my humanity. I ruled the world, every known creature was always frozen I place because of the energy I emitted. I was unstoppable. A true monster who bumped in the night. 

I was the holy grail to everybody; I was a god to them. God and the Moon Goddess sent down werewolves and angels to try and overthrow me. Which it didn't happen, it had only made me stronger. The werewolves stopped trying to fight me and soon was on their knees begging for their lives. They knew I was their better, their superior being.

I was now known as Death, that's what most people called me or Princess of Darkness. People would say anything for me not to kill them, anything. Soon I ruled the world with an iron fist, I could feed whenever I needed or wanted to. I was a monster all things to my mother and father. I was happy ruining everything my father wanted to protect.

I snapped back into reality so I could finish my job, kill the man who killed and raped 3 women. He was tipping the scale, so I had to take him out.  We were out of the small club that I found him in and took him into the back alley. "You're a monster... and you deserve to die..." I told him in my sweet voice that I was born with. "What are you talking about" he said like I was scaring him. I grabbed him by his neck and snapped it like it was a twig. I harvest his soul and then left.  I try to now only kill people who are monsters, like me.

I went back to my apartment and went straight to bed. While lying there I got to thinking of the day I lost most of my powers and respect. I fell for a trick; they tricked me into signing a sacred document created by God himself to limit my powers. I've spent thousands of years looking for a way to break the contract. I was drugged when I signed it. I've never really trusted anybody since then. Funny how they had to 'stoop to my level' (that's how they put it).

"Death wake up please..." said a loud voice in my ear, it was my cloak. Annoying thing that follows me everywhere. Has a whole mind of its own, literally. I trapped a spirt inside of it a long time ago. " What do you want you crazed cloak." I said still half asleep. " I need to be washed right now. I smell like sweaty fabric, gross men, and blood." She cried out into my ear. " Ok just give me a sec." I said getting up and then took off my cloak and threw it into the washer. I then went back to my bed and back into my dreams, or should I say my nightmares.

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