Chapter 3:Undercover

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Be careful who you trust the devil was once an angel…

I knew that I couldn’t just walk up to him and kill him, that would be to easy. That’s not really my style either. “You should fall onto his territory and say that you were attacked my a monster and then gain his trust then take not only his pack but his life.” My cloak said to me. “I like your thinking, let’s do it.” I whispered back. I then spread my wings and took off for his pack territory.

By the time I got there it was dark outside I flew down right were his territory began and pulled my wings back into my back, out of sight out of mind. I masked my sent to just a human. I ran into the territory with speed. I ran as fast as I could in circles for about 10 minutes and stopped I was about a half of a mile away from the pack house.

I crouched down on the ground and had my hair hiding my face. My beautiful silky hair cast around me as I began to cry. It didn’t take long for a wolf to find me he alerted the alpha. I know what you're thinking how did I just start cry like that and how did I know he contacted the alpha. Well I am very old and I can make any emotion come forth when needed but sometimes I can't control them. As for the alpha alert thing it just a gift.

My mother is the moon goddess which is the holy grail to all werewolves. She was the one that created the first couple of werewolves. My mother not only cast me down to Earth but made me a werewolf. So I had to mask my wolf scent the most.

I felt him come closer and was sniffing. I could hear him shift back and I cried harder. “Hey hey hey it’s ok im not going to hurt you…” He said to me walking towards me at a fast pace. I looked up at him, making my hair flow down my shoulder and my chest. He looked frozen for a minute and then shook his head walking faster to me. “Are you ok?” “Y-y-yes I’m fine but where am I, i'm so tired…” I trailed off passing out. I can also my body do things such as making myself pass out.

When I woke up I was in a huge bed. It looked like a king and a full sized bed put together. Who ever slept here was either a giant or like to sleep like a starfish. I got out of the bed and went into one of the three doors, the one I went into was the bathroom.

I got into the big shower and when I said it was big it was an understatement. The thing was huge. When I got out I wrapped a big black fluffy towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom and used the magnetic pull I have with my victim to show me the way to him.

I walked down the hallway that seemed unending to a big wooden door. I knocked on it. “Come in” a deep voice came from inside the door yelled. I walked in and looked at him. “Umm where am I?” I asked him. He looked up and down my body. His eyes was turning black. “You are at my house. What is your name?” “I-it’s L-lucy. Lucy Carson, yours?” “Its Jason Black. Do you remember how you got here?” “Yeah I was being chased by a big monster then a man found me after I collapsed. I don’t remember anything else. I had to take a shower it felt like I was still in the woods running away from that thing that was chasing me. Umm do you have any clothes I can borrow?” “Yeah follow me…” He said trailing off. He was still looking me up and down then he shook his head.

He then got up out of his chair and showed me back into the same room I had woke up in. He walk over to the other door and opened it. He handed me a big black shirt and walked away. “I’ll be right back.” He said walking out of the room.

When he came back I had changed into the shirt and was sitting on the bed waiting for him to get back. He walked into the room and looked at me and froze to his spot. The small bag he had fell to the floor. He had so much lust in his eyes they were pitch black.

I thought it was extremely hot. But I had to knock some sense back into him so I got up off the bed and walked up to him and got on my tip toes and whispered into his ear. “Boy you know staring at a lady when she is only in a t-shirt is rude.” He snapped back into reality.

He look back at me and picked up the bag he had dropped. “there is underwear and shorts in there. I’ll wait outside the door for you.” He said walking away with his cheeks flushed. I giggled at him, I thought it was cute that he was blushing.

I opened the bag, there was short and underwear in it but the underwear was black and lacy. The shorts was ok but I still wished the was bigger. I walked out of the room after I put the clothes he had gave me on. He was standing there at the door with his back turned. I poked his side he turned around and looked down at me.

And I knew that poking a fully grown alpha-male was not the smartest idea. “you had 5 seconds to run before it your turn to be tickled.” He said with a sinister smirk on his face. I took off running and 5 seconds later I could hear him coming after me.

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