Superman and Wonder Woman

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(It was late at night in Wayne Manor or the Hall of Justice as Barry had taken to calling it and Superman was the only one there, he had chosen to hang out here since Lois was away in Cairo working a lead, Clark wished he could go with her but he still hadn't come up with an explanation for how Clark Kent had returned from the dead, he had contemplated revealing to the world that Clark Kent and Superman were one and the same but at the same time he wanted to be able to maintain a quiet life with Lois which certainly would be difficult if the world knew who he really was, Superman was about to head out on patrol when he heard the door open, caught off guard Clark braced himself for an intruder but then he saw that it was only Diana walking in, she was surprised to see him as well)

Diana: "Kal El? Oh sorry I didn't know you'd be here."

Clark: "Please call me Clark. No need to apologize I was just leaving."

Diana: "Oh.."

(Clark could sense her slight disappointment)

Clark: "I was going to patrol Metropolis actually. Would you like to join me?"

(Diana's penetrating gaze that turned to a smile stirred some feelings in Clark's chest he'd not had since he first met Lois)

Diana: "It sounds wonderful"

(Superman and Wonder Woman flew over Metropolis, it was a quiet night, very peaceful, the glow of the city lit up Diana's face, a few times as they flew Diana could have sworn Clark was staring at her but he'd look away as soon as she noticed, eventually they landed on a skyscraper overlooking the city)

Clark: "One of the worst parts of being dead is missing out on views like this."

(Diana grinned)

Diana: "Back to your signature red and blue I see."

Clark: "Yeah the black wasn't meant to be long term. Guess it didn't really suit me."

Diana: "I'm glad. Blue is definitely your color.

(Clark chuckled as Diana smiled warmly)

Clark: "You know I don't remember much right after I came back thing does stand out."

(He turned to face her, her gaze locked on his)

Clark: "You pleading with me to remember who I am. That's something I won't ever forget."

(Diana searched his eyes, her strong emotions brimming to the surface)

(Clark was about to change the topic when suddenly Diana's lips pressed into his, this sent a jolt of electricity through Clark like the jolt from the motherbox that brought him back to life, he couldn't help but kiss her back, the two shared a deep meaningful kiss above Metropolis for several moments, Diana was the one to break it)

Diana: "I..I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so.."

Clark: "No its okay. Diana don't go."

(Diana had already walked past him to the edge of the roof, she turned back with tears threatening to fall from her eyes)

Diana: "I'm so sorry."

(She flew away and Clark wanted nothing more than to fly after her but he let her go , he sadly watched her disappear into the Metropolis skies)

Clark and Diana Where stories live. Discover now