Red Kryptonite

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(At the Kent family dinner table Clark Diana and Martha all sat awkwardly having dinner)

Martha: "So you broke up?"

Clark: "I think so."

Martha: "You didn't try to talk to her?"

Clark: "Mom she threw the ring at my face. That pretty much ended the conversation right there."

Diana: "But the important thing is that Clark will not be alone so long as I have anything to say about it." (She took a big bite out of her toast)

Martha: "It's just so hard to believe after everything you two went through. I really got to know her well. I don't want you kids making any hasty decisions.."

(Diana slammed her fist down on the table)

Diana: "I have lived over a century! I am no mere child!"

Martha: "Well actually I was talking about Lois and Clark."

Diana: "Oh yes of course. All everyone ever talks about is Lois Lane this Lois Lane that! What about me? Am I just some piece of luggage for you to fly around with? You need to choose Kal El right now! It's Lois or me. Choose!"

Clark: " know it's not that simple."

Diana: "Ugh!" (She stormed out of her seat and went upstairs)

Martha: "What a lovely girl."

Clark: "You're not J'onn right mom? He promised he wouldn't do that anymore."

Martha: "Who?"

(Diana searched through Clark's old bedroom, she found an old jewelry box and opened it and saw an old ring with a red diamond)

Diana: "I'm guessing this one is for Lois Lane too."

Clark: "Actually that was just a memento from Smallville High."

(Diana was startled she hadn't heard Clark come up)

Diana: "Look I'm sorry about how I behaved at dinner. I was overreacting."

Clark: "No I understand. You're frustrated I'm still hung up on Lois."

Diana: "Maybe I am. When I think of you two together it makes me want to puke. And if you ever leave me for her I will never speak to you again. Got it?"

Clark: "You're not getting rid of me that easily. Listen.." (He takes her hands) "I'll never leave you behind okay? I'm sorry I haven't moved on fast enough but this is all new for me."

Diana: "It's new for me too. And I should apologize again because I am one to talk about moving on. When Steve Trevor died I spent a century shut off from everyone. Since joining the Justice League though I finally feel I've found a.."

Clark: "A home."

Diana: "Yes. But I suppose that's gone now too. Fortunately I got to keep the most important thing from that family. You."

(Clark hugged her and held her for several moments, Diana looked at Clark's high school ring again)

Diana: "It's very beautiful."

Clark: "You know I never actually put it on. I just thought it was nice to look at. Guess it didn't really go with my farmer clothes."

(Diana grinned)

Diana: "Why not try it on now? For me?"

(Clark smiled and nodded and placed the ring on his finger)

Diana: "How's it feel?"

Clark: "It's perfect. You're perfect."

(Diana blushed)

Diana: "No you're perfect."

Clark: "You're right. Let me show you."

(Clark super sped tackled Diana down onto the bed and got to work, she begged him to enter and he accepted her offer enthusiastically, After a few thrusts Diana felt it was too painful to bear)

Diana: "Clark stop! It's too much!"

Clark: "I know!"

Diana: "No please! You're hurting me get off!" (She shoved him off of her) "What is the matter with you?!"

Clark: "Well if you can't handle it then I'll just have to find someone who will. Like Lois."

Diana: "Lois? How could you..? How could you do that to me?"

Clark: "Like this." (He elbows the wall nonchalantly breaking a hole through it and flies away with a wicked grin on his face)

Diana: "What happened to you?"

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