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(Superman entered the Hall of Justice to see Wonder Woman who greeted him with a hopeful smile and Batman who greeted him with his usual frown)

Clark: "Hey." (He gave Diana a strained smile who looked back with a puzzled expression)

Diana: "What happened?"

Clark: "Well once again I'd much rather have this conversation in private." (He glared at Bruce who shook his head)

Bruce: "No I'm the one who needs to talk to you. Both of you."

Diana: "It can't wait five minutes?"

Bruce: "No it can't."

Clark: "Fine what is it? Where's the rest of the team?"

Bruce: "I gave them the day off. They don't need to get involved in this."

Diana: "And what is this Bruce?"

Bruce: "You two have been..shall we say getting close to each other. First on a rooftop three nights ago and then in Clark's barn two nights ago."

Diana: "Bruce!"

Clark: "You've been following us?"

Bruce: "I have eyes on all Justice League members." (Clark and Diana gave him looks of disbelief) "Just a precaution."

Diana: "Well you can take your precautions and shove them up your..!"

Clark: "I think what Diana means is what we do on our own time is none of your business and this surveillance thing you've got running is completely inappropriate."

Bruce: "Complaint noted but I'm looking out for you."

Diana: "Well you know what Bruce I am a big girl I don't need some rich boy in a Bat costume telling me what's best for me."

Bruce: "I'm also looking out for the team and what you two are doing is a potential hazard to all of us."

Clark: "So what are you suggesting?"

Bruce: "That the two of you either quit seeing each other..or quit the Justice League."

Diana: "What?"

Bruce: "It's what's best for the team.."

Clark: "You can spare me your it's best for crap Bruce. I know this is personal. First you sneak into Lois and I's apartment and now this? You've gone too far."

Bruce: "The only time I've gone too far was when I had a Kryptonite spear pointed at your face."

Clark: "If you wanted Diana for yourself so badly maybe you shouldn't have brought me back at all!"

Bruce: "Don't make this about me! This is about you breaking Lois's heart! She came to me last night after your little chat at the apartment. And you know what she told me? That the Clark Kent she knew never came back from the grave."

(Clark shoved Bruce which pushed him across the room)

Diana: "Clark." (She put a calming hand on his chest)

Clark: "Let's go Diana. We're not welcome here." (Superman took off through the door and Wonder Woman followed, Batman grimaced as he leaned against the wall)

Clark and Diana Where stories live. Discover now