Chapter 5

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For once I don't have much to say so I'll just start the chapter
Disclaimer: all I own is my Ocs and the plot.

I was shocked to see all the people. Ages went from newborn babies to senior citizens. It amazed me that all these people were related to the gods. I was about to sit with Emily, Espie, Emmy, Sammy, Raiden, Angel, Dylan, Maya, and their parents when Chiron pulled me aside.
"Zoe, I called everyone here because some from the city don't know about your parents. I want you to tell everyone about them."
"Sure Chiron."
We walked to the center of the Amphitheater and Chiron stomped his hoof. Everyone quieted.
"I have called everyone from the city here because most weren't at dinner yesterday. We found out something special about this young lady."
"What?" someone called out.
I took a deep breath, "For those of you who don't know, I'm Zoe. When I came to camp, I told everyone my last name was Johnson, my mom's mortal, and my dad is a god. I lied. My mother isn't mortal, my dad's not a god, and my name is Zoe Jackson."
"Jackson?" my Uncle Malcolm asked, "Are you related to a Percy Jackson?"
"He's my dad." I bluntly stated.
"But he's been dead for fifteen years. He and Annabeth were killed by monsters." Katie Stoll said.
"Annabeth isn't dead either. She's my mom."
"But nobody's seen or heard from them in fifteen years. Even Percy's mom said they're gone."
"You have no proof that they died. Their bodies weren't found."
"Lady Hestia told us they were dead. Would she really lie?" Will Solace asked.
Hestia then appeared.
"Zoe speaks the truth. The two heroes are alive. I found them trying to leave in secret and told them that if they had to leave, I would help."
"But why?" Connor Stoll asked, "why didn't they tell anyone?"
"Be honest, if they said they were leaving, would you have let them?"
"She's got a point. I would have done everything I could to get them to stay." Piper admitted.
Others nodded.
"But WHY did they leave? Weren't they happy?" Uncle Malcolm asked.
"They were happy. Leaving was the hardest thing they've ever had to do. But Tartarus made it hard to be around other demigods. I've heard their stories and I can honestly tell you, they aren't the people they used to be. Dad is more serious now and mom's more protective. I can tell you they love this place. They really miss it."
"Why not come back?"
"I asked the same thing. According to them, it would be too hard. They think you won't like how they changed over the years. Plus, they don't want to take my siblings and I from the only place we've ever called home."
"You have siblings?" my Aunt Alexa asked.
"Aunt Hestia, can you help?"
"Sure, anything in mind?"
"How about the picture from my first soccer game?"
Her fire rose and the picture I mentioned appeared. There was the five of us, my Grandma Sally, Grandpa Paul, Aunt Lexi, Grandma Helen, Grandpa Fredrick, Uncle Bobby, and Uncle Matthew. I was in the very center dressed in my purple soccer uniform and covered in mud.
"Are the boys Annie's brothers?" Thalia asked.
"Its Aunt Sally!" Nico yelled.
I looked at him weirdly, "What?"
"Thalia and I take Bee and visit her all the time. She says to call her Aunt Sally."
"That sounds like Grandma."
"Is the teenager Alexandra?" Piper asked.
"Yeah. Have you met her?"
"We saw her at the funeral. She's really grown up now."
"How old was she then?"
I laughed, "Aunt Lexi's graduating this year. She's seventeen, almost eighteen."
"Anyway, those two are my siblings Luke and Selina. They're twins. They were nine when the picture was taken, they're ten now."
"Where do Prissy and Annie live?" Clarisse asked.
"I'm not allowed to say. The gods don't even know. Mom and Dad want a normal life among mortals."
"Campers, I'm afraid it's time for bed. You may ask Zoe more questions tomorrow." Chiron announced.

When I got the the cabin, I went into the bathroom to IM my mom and dad.
"O Iris, goddess of the rainbow accept my offering. Percy and Annabeth Jackson, Corry PA." I whispered.
An image of my patents appeared.
"Mom! Dad!"
"Zoe," mom said, "how's camp?"
"Its fun, but I accidentally used my powers and now everyone knows. They want to know where we live, but I haven't told anyone. They all want you to come back."
"I don't know Zoe. We left for a reason."
"All your friends were glad to hear you're alive. The girls were almost in tears."
"I miss them." mom admitted.
"Me too." Dad agreed.
"Zoe, we'll think about it."
"Okay. Bye."
"Bye Zoe."
I swiped through the Iris Message then opened the door. I jumped back as Maya and Dylan tumbled to the floor.
"What are you doing!?"
"You IMed your parents, didn't you."
"You were eavesdropping!"
"Were you?"
"Was I what?"
"Talking to your parents."
"Are they coming to camp?"
"I don't know. We live pretty far away, plus they promised they'd never come back."
"They should."
"I know."

There's chapter 5. There's actually a story behind Alexandra's name. My mom told me that she wanted to name me Alexandra Marie, but my dad wouldn't let her. I'm honestly glad they went with Emily Rose. I would hate learning to spell Alexandra in kindergarten. Anyway, that's all folks!

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