Chapter 11

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Okay, before I start the chapter I want to tell you that I'm literally crying right now. I've officially hit over 1,000 VIEWS on this story! I never thought it would come this far. I honestly almost didn't publish it. After I wrote the prologue I was thinking it sucked and nobody would want to read it. I thought this even after I published it because nobody was leaving comments. I got my first comment on Chapter 4 and it was only a question, but it made me so happy because it meant someone was actually reading and possibly enjoying my story. Anyway, I know you don't want to hear me drone on about any of this, so I'll start the chapter.
Disclaimer: I'm almost to the end of the story. If I owned Percy Jackson, you would have found out a long time ago.

When we entered the city I smiled, surprised that I already felt at home and we weren't even at our new house.
"Wow," Sel said, "it's so beautiful."
"It's home." Mom said with a vibrant smile on her face.
"Is this the camp?" Paige asked.
"No. This is the city. The camp is up that hill."
"Do we still have to go to school?" Luke asked.
Mom laughed, "Yes Luke. You and Sel will go to school from 8 to 3 then come home. Zoe will be in school from 8 to 1 then she'll spend the rest of her time at camp."
"That's not fair!" Sel complained.
"You'll do the same when you're in seventh grade."
"What about summer?"
"You get summer vacations, which is when demigods like Paige usually visit their mortal families."
"I want to train." Luke complained.
"When you're in seventh grade you'll start your training." dad promised my little brother.
"Okay."Luke said glumly.
"Cheer up Lukey," I said, "We're home."
Dad stopped the car in front of our house. The mailbox now proudly read, 'Jackson'. I grinned when I saw it.
We were next door to the di Angelos and the Valdezes. As a matter of fact, all the seven lived on this street.
The van pulled up behind us and everyone got to work unloading boxes and furniture. After it was all in the house and in the correct rooms I groaned. It was going to take years to unpack everything. I decided to start with my clothes and drug the box towards the closet. I was only just starting when mom called.
"Zoe, why don't you show Paige around the camp and introduce her to Chiron."
"Okay mom."

I led Paige the the big house after we entered the camp. Chiron seemed surprised to see us.
"Hello Zoe. Who is this?"
"Chiron, meet Paige McCray, demigod daughter of- well, I'm not sure who her dad is, but I know she's a demigod. Paige, meet Chiron, trainer of heroes from all the old myths."
"Nice to meet you." Paige said.
"It's wonderful to meet you too. I am mainly the activities director. This is Mr. D, our camp director."
"Yes yes, hello Paisley, welcome to camp, and all that."
"Mr. D is always like that. He calls me Zuri. He'll probably never get your name right."
"You'll be introduced by Mr. D at dinner and hopefully you'll be claimed soon. Now Zoe, why don't you show her around."
"Yes Chiron."

Paige loved the camp. I was able to find her a weapon (it was a bow and arrow) and I showed her everything. She was excited to be claimed so she could find her place at camp. I honestly didn't know where she'd belong. Her dad was the god, so Athena, Hera, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Demeter were out. She wasn't good with tools at all, so it wasn't Hephaestus. She didn't seem like an Ares kid, and she didn't fit Apollo. It wasn't Zeus or Hades either. I just couldn't figure it out.
Anyway, at dinner Dionysus introduced her in his usual way.
"Everyone, we have a new demigod. Paisley May."
Chiron whispered in his ear.
"Correction, our new demigod is Paige McCray. She hasn't been-"
He was interrupted by a glow coming from the Hermes table.
Paige gasped when she realized it was a glowing trident floating above her head.
"All hail Paige McCray, daughter of Poseidon." Chiron said.
Paige got up and sat by me.
"This is weird." I said.
"What is?" Paige asked.
Maya and Dylan also looked at me.
"The fact that I'm thirteen, you're still twelve, and you're my aunt. My aunt is younger than I am."
"Well you'll just have to call me Auntie Paige."
"Not gonna happen."
She just laughed, "Didn't think so."

Six years later I stood at the podium overlooking my audience. I saw acquaintances, friends, parents, siblings, and neighbors.
I cleared my throat, "If I had been told seven years ago that I would be living in a camp and fighting real monsters, I would have laughed and said you were crazy. If I had been told I, a kid with ADHD and dyslexia, would be valedictorian and standing in front of a huge crowd giving a speech, I would have asked you to check in at a mental institute. I never thought I would be here, standing in front of my graduating class willingly. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I'd been a mortal. All the friends I've made since I moved here have helped me out so much and I can't imagine life without them, without any of you. Now I'm 18 and about to face the real world and I won't lie, I'm scared. But, I'm also excited to see where I'm heading next. Life is full of adventure and I'm ready to face it head on. I hope you are too. My plans for the future aren't much yet. I want to go to college. That's pretty much all I know right now, but that's okay because my life us just beginning. Our lives are just beginning. Don't be afraid of what's going to happen, be excited. Remember, you only live one life. Enjoy every minute. Thank you."
Everyone clapped as I took a seat next to all my friends.
"You did great." Paige said.
Everyone agreed.
After the ceremony, I found my family.
"Zoe, I'm so proud of you!" my mom said.
Sel gave me a hug, "I'm proud too."
"Thanks Sel. Just think, in three years it's your turn."
"You said those exact words six years ago, when you left for camp." Luke said.
"I did, didn't I."
As my family was laughing and talking to each other, I looked around and realized just how lucky I was."

Well, that's a wrap! Actually, that's a wrap on the whole story. I can't believe it's finally finished. Not sure how much I like the ending, tell me what you think. I could really use the input.
Signing out of this story for the final time:

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