Chapter 10

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I'm back, Sorry for the wait. I've been super busy. I could go on and on, but none of you want to hear it. So I'll start the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson right now. Maybe I'll get it for my 16th birthday.

Paige, Sel, mom, and I walked down the street to the McCray house. Mom knocked on the door, and Paige's mom Amber answered.
"Oh! Hello Annabeth, Selina, and Zoe. Won't you please come in?"
She led us to her living room.
"How can I help you?"
"We need to talk." my mom stated calmly.
"About what?"
"Well, have you heard of the Greek and Roman gods?"
"Why do you ask? What do you know?"
"Amber," I stated, "They're still alive. My mom here is a daughter of Athena. My dad's a son of Poseidon."
She didn't look surprised or shocked, like I thought she would. Instead she asked something I really didn't expect.
"Is this about Paige being a demigod?"
"You knew!?" I accidentally yelled.
"Yes. I don't know which one, but I know he's a god. Is it time for Paige to go to camp?"
"I'm afraid so, but that's not the only reason we came."
"Why are you here then?"
"We're moving to a city located in the camp's borders. The reason we can move there is because Percy and I are demigods and our children are descended from the gods."
"We were wondering if you wanted us to take Paige because we're already going." I said.
"I knew this day would come. Her father warned me that she would be leaving when she turned thirteen. Of you're okay with taking her, you can. I'll feel better knowing she's with someone I know. Paige, why don't you go pack."
"Okay mom."
"Is Emma here?" Sel asked, "I wanted to say goodbye."
'She's in her room. Go on up."
"Thanks Amber."
Paige, Selina, and I walked down the hallway. Sel stopped at the first door while Paige and I kept walking. We stopped at a door with a sign saying, 'Paige's Room. Emma Keep Out!'
I sat on Paige's bed and watched my friend scurry around the room. She stuffed clothes, her colored pencils and drawing book, her stuffed Dolphin Marina, and her stuffed seahorse Ocean in her bag. The last thing she grabbed was a picture frame. I glanced at the picture and smiled when I looked at it.
The frame was an ocean completed with stones, seaweed, coral, and seashells. The picture was of Paige, her mom, and her little sister in front of the castle at Disneyworld. She carefully put the picture in her bag.
After she was all packed, we started down the hallway. I glanced into Emma's room and saw her and my sister having a tearful goodbye. When we got to the living room, Amber was the first to see us.
"There they are. Are you all packed sweetie?"
"Good. I'll get Emma down here and tell her what's going on."
"Are you actually telling her the truth?"
"No, she's too young. Do you have any idea what to tell her Annabeth?"
"Tell her that Paige is going to summer camp. That's what Percy told his little sister."
"Good idea. Thanks Annabeth."
"No problem."
Amber left the room and came back a few minutes later trailed by two ten year old girls.
"Why'd I have to come mom?" Emma asked.
"Em, I'm going to summer camp this year, so it's just gonna be you and mom for a while." Paige said.
"You can't! I can't have my best friend gone forever and my sister gone for a whole summer!"
"I'll be back for the school year. And you still have your other friends Evelyn and Brianna."
"Yeah, but I'm gonna miss you."
"I'll be back before you know it."
Emma gave her sister a big hug, then she gave Sel another hug while Paige hugged her mom.
"Bye Sel. Remember to visit."
"You bet."
With that, we left.

When we got back to the house,  everything was loaded. We climbed into the car and soon we were on our way.

That's a wrap. I can see this story having 1-2 more chapters, so it's coming to a end soon. Anyway, what'd you think of Emma? She's the kind of sister I've always wanted. She's nicer than my sister. Bye for now,

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