Chapter 3

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Lucy POV

~a few minutes before Natsu comes in~

I lay underwater. The silence is so soothing. I'm warm again. But I don't notice the wave of exhaustion swapping over me (it sounds like a bad pun, sorry xD) . I don't care that sleeping while being underwater is a really bad idea. My mind drifts off to a deep, peaceful, dreamless sleep, letting the air in my lungs slowly bubble trough my mouth to the surface. Everything is  so peaceful....

~10 minutes later when Natsu shows up~  (I actually googled what will happen what'll happen when you don't have oxygen for 10 minutes. so yeah.)

"cy... cy.. ucy.... LUCY!!!!!" I hear some muffled screams. "LUCY! WAKE UP!!!" the voice is louder now. Everything is dark and cold. Where am I...? I try to recollect what happened. I went to the bathroom taking a bath. And then? My memories stop there. Did I fall asleep without noticing? 'You're so stupid Lucy' i scold myself. Looking around again I notice something. A few meters in front of me I can make out something that looks like black mist. Even darker than the darkness surrounding me. I tried to make out what it was, shuddering when I recognize who it is. 'That can't be!' I scream in my head. The figure comes closer so I can see her clearly now.  "A-Aquarius...." my voice is shaky and I shudder. She really stands right before me. But... She looks different. Covered in Blood and bruises while she looks at me with hate and disgust. "Because of you I'm dead now. Because of you I can't be happy anymore. Because of you I can't see Scorpio anymore." She growls. "Please... I know... I'm so sorry Aquarius!! Please  forgive me!" I fall on my knees, crying. "I know it's my fault. Everything's my fault. I can't forgive myself for what I did to you." my sobs fill the room. "I hope you do. But remember. You don't deserve to die. Not right now at least. You shall suffer even more!!" she says calmly, still looking down on me with disgust. "I regret that Layla gave you my key." but before I can say anything else all the air in my lungs escape my body once again. Extreme pain spreads from my chest through my whole body. Everything around my vanishes again, but now I can see a small light in the distance, growing brighter. I shut my eyes and after that everything was in a blur. 

I snap my eyes open, frantically searching something in the room to focus my eyes on. I feel terrible. My lungs burn and I feel like I'm suffocating. "Lu-shee needs to get the water out of her lungs!" somebody says. 'Water?' I ask myself, but then I remember what happened. Now I start to cough strongly, desperately trying to get the water out of my lungs, scared of what's happening with me. The water splashed out of my mouth, leaving a small puddle next to my head. While I shiver like crazy I try to regain my breath, my lungs hurting from the long lack of air. Only now I notice that I lay on the white tiles of my bathroom. "So cold..." is the only thing I am able to get out, even tough it was whispered with a shaky voice. As if on command I feel somebody lift me up and my body gets warmer immediately. Looking up I try to figure out who it is. Everything is still blurry, but I can make out.... Salmon pink hair and something blue? I short gasp escapes my mouth. "Natsu... Happy...." I whisper, just loud enough for Natsu to hear it. "Lucy..." he looks down on me, his hair covering his eyes. I frown. I don't know why, but I really want to see his face right now. Weakly I lift up my arm and reach for his face, barely having enough energy to do so. Softly I brush his hair out of his face only to see that he has tears in his eyes. "Luce..." he whispers softly while a quiet sob escapes his mouth. I cough again, making my whole body tense up from the pain in my chest. "Hurts...!" while clenching on his shirt Happy flies over to us, covering me in a big bath towel. "We should bring her to the infirmary back in the Guild! Wendy should be able to help us!" is the last thing I hear before losing consciousness again. 

Natsu POV

"We should bring her to the infirmary back in the Guild! Wendy should be able to help us!" Happy says, urgency in his voice. I look down at Lucy, still feeling the warm sensation on my cheek from her hand. She looked so sad... Only now I notice that she's unconscious again, making me snap out of it. "Yeah you're right." I run out of the bathroom and jump out of the window I came in through just a few minutes ago. While I'm falling I press Lucy's pale body on me. Happy catches us and holds on my back, flying us to the Guild with Max Speed. It only needs a minute and we're there. We fly right trough the guild doors, me shielding Lucy with my body, which makes them fly right in the building with a loud bang. With now having everybody's attention we're landing right in the middle of everybody. "Wheres Wendy?!" I roar, urgency lying in my voice. "I'm here! What happened?" Wendy runs towards us with Erza and Grey behind her. They come to a stop to a stop right before us, gasping. Worry is written all over their faces. "You need to help her... please..." my voice cracked, ending in a sob. "Oi Natsu, what happened here?!" the Ice and requip mage ask simultaneously. "She--" Wendy interrupts me. "Bring her to the infirmary! I'll come with you!" Together we run upstairs where I lay her down  on one of the beds. "I'll take care of here. You guys wait outside." she says before shoving me outside and closing the door. I lean against a wall, slowly sliding down. Pressing my hands again my face I try to process what happened. Her frail body. She was as good as dead. I panicked and handled without thinking. I hit her chest, hoping it would help somehow... but... that cracking  I heard when I did that. It sounded so painful. I really hope it doesn't turn out to be something serious. Everything that had happened plays before my eyes like a movie. Her pale body laying still underwater and then on the floor. But first of all all the injuries and scars on her body and the tears streaming down her face... They couldn't be from older missions or fights... right? My head hurts and I try to shake the thoughts away, making me look up, seeing Erza, Gray, Levy, Mira, Juvia, Gajeel and Makarov. "Oi, what happened to the bunny girl?" the steel dragon slayer asks, crossing his arms before his chest. Everybody looks at me, wanting to know what was up. "Lucy... I found her in her bathroom. In the bathtub. Underwater and not breathing." I explain with a shaky voice while frowning, looking back to the door. "WHAT?!" everybody yells. I left out the thing with her wounds and scars. I don't want to worry them even more than that right now. But they'll find out anyways later when Wendy's done.

"Luckily you were there before it was too late. Well done Natsu. I don't want to think what would happened if you weren't on your way to see her." she says while giving me a small encouraging smile. Everybody nods in agreement. Slowly I stand up again. "I hope she wakes up soon." I say, just to see the door of the infirmary swing open and Wendy walking outside with tears in her eyes. Charle instantly flies over to her and tries to calm her down. "Is everything okay with Lucy?" Gramps asks, making her look over to us, nodding. You could hear everybody sigh in relief. By now even Laxus has joined us, but I ignore it. I run straight in the room and to Lucy, only to see her covered in bandages and wearing a ventilation mask. I believe I just heard my heart shatter into hundreds of pieces. She still was unconscious, so I grab a chair and sit down next to her. But to everyone's surprise Gray and even Laxus did the same. Half of the guild is now gathered around her bed, looking at her, but nobody dares to speak, fearing to wake her up. After a while everybody leaves except for Gray, Laxus and me. "So why are you two still here?" I ask them. "I'm worried about her." comes back from them simultaneously, but I'm not able to answer. The cause being that Lucy squirming slightly while she begins to wake up.


I've watched Dragon Cry yesterday after uploading chapter two, so I wasn't able to write Chapter three 

But here it is!

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