I'm back! chapter 9

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~a few days later~

Sting and Rogue still stayed at the guild, in a room prepared by Makarov. Our 4 guys obviously weren't okay with that, but needed to deal with it. Of course because it was Lucy's wish for them to stay. In the last few days the blondes body started to slowly heal with the help of Wendy's magic. The cuts on her chest and arms were mostly gone. She would still wake up screaming after her nightmare. After that she would be pretty out of it for an hour, but then slowly calm down. The blonde also slowly started to eat something again, even if it wasn't much. Her body could handle fruits and vegetables the best and she could finally drink her favourite drink again, Strawberry-vanilla milkshake. Everybody was happy and more relaxed when seeing her slowly getting better from day to day. The only thing that irked most of the guild was that the 6 guys would constantly be at her side, not letting any free room for others to visit and talk to her.
With their help, Lucy slowly regained some strength and was now able to move her body a bit more. She could sit up and hold things on her own now, but she was still unable to walk at all. But of course she still tried to when everyone was gone. Wendy once caught her after she fell down, giving the older girl a lecture about how her body still wasn't strong enough and that it would still need some time until she could train during her physical therapy. Until then she wasn't allowed to even stand up.
Of course both of them knew that Lucy was thickheaded and wouldn't just do what she was told, so the blue haired mage just warned her to be careful.

~A few weeks later, with a lot of being pestered by the guys~

Lucy was finally able to stand up on her own, but still couldn't walk. She also summoned Plue from time to time to keep her company. Makarov sent the group of boys, including Sting and Rouge, away to missions to finally earn some money and actually do something useful.
Of course they argued back, saying they needed to look after Lucy, but after the small man said that they weren't allowed to see Lucy until she was fully healed, they quickly gathered their things and went off to a mission.
Lily and Happy were of course allowed to stay at her side, seeing that she always brightened up with the cats around her.

~Lucy's POV~

It was way quieter without the guys around, but also kinda boring without them. Their little quarrels always made me laugh because of how silly they were. But I still got Happy, Carla and Lily with me. They always kept me company and told me about what happened in the guild. I was kinda envious of them. Being able to walk or fly around freely. But I brought this upon myself. It's my own fault.
The other girls came by more often now tough, for example Juvia, Levy, Mira and Erza. Levy often brought me new books and tried to get me to write again, but I still wasn't in the mood to. Mira still mainly talked about her ships and asked me who of the guys I liked more. No way in hell I would tell her! With the others I just did some Smalltalk, listening to their story's about their last missions and such.

When I was alone, Carla and Happy helped me with my 'training'. After I would stand up they would grab my arms while flying, just in case I would fall down again.

~after 2 days~
"Finally!" I thought. "Congratulations Lucy! You're first steps only after such a short time of training!!" The three cats congratulated me. It may have been just a few steps, but it felt like a really big one for me. "Finally!" I now said out loud. "Thank you so much guys!" I hugged them, a few tears tears rolling down my face.

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