50 5 4

5 seconds later - I'm still alive. Dammit I should have known will took the bullets out. Oh well - killing myself wouldn't have been great anyway. I throw the gun over the fire and it lands near Will. phew, he won't suspect anything. I get changed and pack up my miniature bag, then start waking the others up. Aspin has been silent for the past few days - I suppose she's exhausted and just wants to go home. I don't blame her. After this whole thing I have no home to go to. I'll just be stuck somewhere bleak with icicles on my head.

Dasiaa is up, surprisingly. She never gets up this early. Anyway she decides to wake the others up by forming a ring of burning fire around them. I decide to join in the fun and bring out a pack of marshmallows , which I can toast.

"What's that?" Dasiaa asks pointing at the marshmallows.

"Marshmallows. " I say

"You want one?"

Dasiaa backs away from them as if they were poisoned spikes on a brick hurtling towards her.

She shakes her head.

Oh well, all the more for me!!!

*magical fast forward in time*

// Dasiaa - (Thoris) Pov //

I can't control her. That ring of fire - wasn't me. It was her. First the murders then the ring. I can't go on like this. However she can't be inside my head all the time. I have to find a way to get rid of her.........

Thoris: But you will not succeed little one.....

Me: Shut up Thoris, stop playing with my emotions. Go find something else to do such as leave.

Thoris: hahahaha you're scared of me......aren't you?

Me: why would I be?

Thoris: you WILL kill them and you WILL do it right this time. Starting with Aspin. Then those two midgets and Luluu, next Sadie and Will and finally that tricky one......I can't put my finger on her name......her name.....her name!!!.....

Me: you mean Evie. And I am not killing my friends for you!! I've had enough of you playing with my emotions and you going through my thoughts!! Go!!!

*thoris starts taking over Dasiaa's mind*

Thoris: you will kill them - once and for all.

Now what are you going to do?

Me: I will......kill them....

Thoris: and will you succeed this time?!

me: I.....will....

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