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Will told me the end is coming. Tomorrow. We have to get to the canyons - that's where the main section of people are. I can't really go on - mostly because Eponine has died. Evie is sickly, Luluu is fainting die to sun exposure and Aspin and the twins are so exhausted they can barely move. The canyons are only a few miles away, just before the border. I hope we can get there in time - after all Will says that the chosen one has no certain future. I don't like being the chosen one. They all think it's great but seeing your friends die in front of your eyes isn't great. it's fucking shit if you ask me. Dasiaa knows I know. I am angry yet silent. The sudden death or murder is history. I cannot go on about it. I think that my health has declined over the past few days. I keep having visions in my head. Will says it's normal. Yeah okay for blue skinned avatar beings sure okay but for me it's not. I don't know how I feel towards him. Evie knows now that Dasiaa started the fire and is constantly glowering at her. Dasiaa is popular I see.

// Dasiaa Pov //

Evie can fuck the hell off. They all think I did it on purpose - well I didn't. Nobody knows but I have a split side. Like a split personality except it talks to me and it does things. It wasn't me it was Thoris, my other side. That's what makes my name. Dasiaa - Thoris (OMG THE PRINCESS OF MARS!!!!!!!!!)

it is my side that I can't controllable. the opposite of what I am. I can't do anything. I can't destroy her, and she can't destroy me. It's annoying but sometimes she can come in useful. I bet Evie doesn't have any problems like that. Will was disturbed today. I don't know why but he's acting odd. I can't make him out. All I know is that he's got one hell of a crush on Sadie-Blade-whatsherface.

// Will Pov //

Oh my god. The prophecy, it must be wrong it has to be wrong - it just can't happen. I mean, she surely can't do that to us - to everyone, it just doesn't make sense. I have to tell Sadie, aaaaah Sadie 😍, but no one else. It is confidential. TOP SECRET. no-one can know. If any of them find out I'm screwed. But it's just impossible.....

The prophecy states -

"From the depths below, hell fire shall emerge and battle with the graceful air from above "

Air is Sadie. I only know one person who is fire.

The next paragraph states -

"A great pain will decimate everything in it's path leaving ashes behind."

This can only mean one thing.

Friend becomes foe.

Friends become enemies.

Dasiaa is going to kill us all.

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