Round 12

70 6 3

Statement 12: Give your best Sabrina Carpenter impression.


Kellie: Okay, and I do it again?

Guy: Yes.

Kellie: "I worship trees because they bring me peace. Their energy puts a protective forceful around me and it helps me have a peaceful mind."

Points: 6

Kellie: Okay, this is going to be easy.


Sabrina: I would do it but I'm too angry!

Guy: Well then no points for you!

Sabrina: I DON'T CARE!

Guys: *Jumps back* Chill!

Guy 6: Jesus fix it!

Guy 2: -I love it!


Dove: *Thinking* Hmmmm.....

Guy: ....

Dove: *Keeps thinking* .....


Dove: Hmmmm.... *Makes noises*


Dove: Got it! "I think that what makes me love Corey more than Bradley is the fact that he was my best friend for years and he never once judged me or even hurted me in any way. He thought about my feelings before his owns."

Points: 15

Dove: I'm stepping up!


G: "Hello everyone and I'ma about to show you females how to make a mustache! What you gotta do is--Put these strings of your hair under nose, poke your lips out and ba-bam!!! Better mustache than a White Devil! Goodbye!"

Points: 30

G: Woah. I'm probably going to win.

Guy: Take the "probably" out.

Guy 3: Don't speak too soon.


Laura: "Slim Shady! Eminem! *Gasp* M&Ms! I cracked the code! He's a slim M&M!"

Points: 24

Guy 2: Girl! You stupid!

Laura: Excuse me?

Guy 2: Nothing.


China: "I think I got used to Maya character because she sorta reminded me of me and my sister mixed together and that caused me to get attached to her."

Points: 12

China: Yes!

Guy: Don't even cheer. You're far behind.

China: Shut up! Who are you?!


Sofia: I'm not going to lie... I don't even want any points for this round.

Guy: Why?

Sofia: Because I want to keep answering questions. Not acting like I'm other people.

Guy: Well then too bad!

Sofia: You're a horrible human.

Guy: I get that alot.

~~~I thought I knew what I wanted, 'till I got it~~~

Laura: 24

Dove: 15

G: 30

Sofia: 18

China: 12

Sabrina: 18

Kellie: 6

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐅𝐞𝐮𝐝 | 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 ✓Where stories live. Discover now